Source code for orbitize.sampler

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as consts
import abc
import time
from astropy.time import Time

import dynesty

import emcee
import ptemcee
import multiprocessing as mp

from multiprocessing import Pool

import orbitize.lnlike
import orbitize.priors
import orbitize.kepler
from orbitize import cuda_ext

import orbitize.results
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class Sampler(abc.ABC): """ Abstract base class for sampler objects. All sampler objects should inherit from this class. Written: Sarah Blunt, 2018 """ def __init__( self, system, like="chi2_lnlike", custom_lnlike=None, chi2_type="standard" ): self.system = system # check if `like` is a string or a function if callable(like): self.lnlike = like else: self.lnlike = getattr(orbitize.lnlike, like) self.custom_lnlike = custom_lnlike self.chi2_type = chi2_type # check if need to handle covariances self.has_corr = np.any(~np.isnan(self.system.data_table["quant12_corr"])) @abc.abstractmethod def run_sampler(self, total_orbits): pass def _logl(self, params): """ log likelihood function that interfaces with the orbitize objects Comptues the sum of the log likelihoods of the data given the input model Args: params (np.array of float): RxM array of fitting parameters, where R is the number of parameters being fit, and M is the number of orbits we need model predictions for. Must be in the same order documented in System() above. If M=1, this can be a 1d array. Returns: float: sum of all log likelihoods of the data given input model """ # compute the model based on system params model, jitter = self.system.compute_model(params) # fold data/errors to match model output shape. In particualr, quant1/quant2 are interleaved data = np.array( [self.system.data_table["quant1"], self.system.data_table["quant2"]] ).T # errors below required for lnlike function below errs = np.array( [self.system.data_table["quant1_err"], self.system.data_table["quant2_err"]] ).T # covariances/correlations, if applicable # we're doing this check now because the likelihood computation is much faster if we can skip it. if self.has_corr: corrs = self.system.data_table["quant12_corr"] else: corrs = None # grab all seppa indices seppa_indices = self.system.all_seppa # compute lnlike lnlikes = self.lnlike( data, errs, corrs, model, jitter, seppa_indices, chi2_type=self.chi2_type ) # return sum of lnlikes (aka product of likeliehoods) lnlikes_sum = np.nansum(lnlikes, axis=(0, 1)) if self.custom_lnlike is not None: lnlikes_sum += self.custom_lnlike(params) if self.system.hipparcos_IAD is not None: # compute Ra/Dec predictions at the Hipparcos IAD epochs raoff_model, deoff_model, _ = self.system.compute_all_orbits( params, epochs=self.system.hipparcos_IAD.epochs_mjd ) ( raoff_model_hip_epoch, deoff_model_hip_epoch, _, ) = self.system.compute_all_orbits( params, epochs=Time([1991.25], format="decimalyear").mjd ) # subtract off position of star at reference Hipparcos epoch raoff_model[:, 0, :] -= raoff_model_hip_epoch[:, 0, :] deoff_model[:, 0, :] -= deoff_model_hip_epoch[:, 0, :] # select body 0 raoff/deoff predictions & feed into Hip IAD lnlike fn lnlikes_sum += self.system.hipparcos_IAD.compute_lnlike( raoff_model[:, 0, :], deoff_model[:, 0, :], params, self.system.param_idx, ) if self.system.gaia is not None: gaiahip_epochs = Time( np.append( self.system.gaia.hipparcos_epoch, self.system.gaia.gaia_epoch ), format="decimalyear", ).mjd # compute Ra/Dec predictions at the Gaia epoch raoff_model, deoff_model, _ = self.system.compute_all_orbits( params, epochs=gaiahip_epochs ) # select body 0 raoff/deoff predictions & feed into Gaia module lnlike fn lnlikes_sum += self.system.gaia.compute_lnlike( raoff_model[:, 0, :], deoff_model[:, 0, :], params, self.system.param_idx, ) return lnlikes_sum
[docs]class OFTI( Sampler, ): """ OFTI Sampler Args: system (system.System): ``system.System`` object like (string): name of likelihood function in ```` custom_lnlike (func): ability to include an addition custom likelihood function in the fit. The function looks like ``clnlikes = custon_lnlike(params)`` where ``params`` is a RxM array of fitting parameters, where R is the number of orbital paramters (can be passed in system.compute_model()), and M is the number of orbits we need model predictions for. It returns ``clnlikes`` which is an array of length M, or it can be a single float if M = 1. Written: Isabel Angelo, Sarah Blunt, Logan Pearce, 2018 """ def __init__( self, system, like="chi2_lnlike", custom_lnlike=None, chi2_type="standard" ): super(OFTI, self).__init__( system, like=like, chi2_type=chi2_type, custom_lnlike=custom_lnlike ) if (self.system.hipparcos_IAD is not None) or (len(self.system.rv[0] > 0)): raise NotImplementedError( """ You can only use OFTI with relative astrometry measurements (no Hipparcos IAD or RVs... yet). Use MCMC, you overachiever, and settle in for a nice long orbit-fit. (But seriously, if you want this functionality, let us know!) """ ) # compute priors and columns containing ra/dec and sep/pa self.priors = self.system.sys_priors # convert RA/Dec rows to sep/PA convert_warning_print = False for body_num in np.arange(self.system.num_secondary_bodies) + 1: if len(self.system.radec[body_num]) > 0: # only print the warning once. if not convert_warning_print: print( "Converting ra/dec data points in data_table to sep/pa. Original data are stored in input_table." ) convert_warning_print = True self.system.convert_data_table_radec2seppa(body_num=body_num) # these are of type astropy.table.column self.sep_observed = self.system.data_table[ np.where(self.system.data_table["quant_type"] == "seppa") ]["quant1"].copy() self.pa_observed = self.system.data_table[ np.where(self.system.data_table["quant_type"] == "seppa") ]["quant2"].copy() self.sep_err = self.system.data_table[ np.where(self.system.data_table["quant_type"] == "seppa") ]["quant1_err"].copy() self.pa_err = self.system.data_table[ np.where(self.system.data_table["quant_type"] == "seppa") ]["quant2_err"].copy() self.meas_object = self.system.data_table[ np.where(self.system.data_table["quant_type"] == "seppa") ]["object"].copy() # this is OK, ONLY IF we are only using self.epochs for computing RA/Dec from Keplerian elements self.epochs = ( np.array(self.system.data_table["epoch"]) - self.system.tau_ref_epoch ) # distinguishing all epochs from sep/pa epochs self.epochs_seppa = ( np.array( self.system.data_table[ np.where(self.system.data_table["quant_type"] == "seppa") ]["epoch"] ) - self.system.tau_ref_epoch ) self.epochs_rv = ( np.array( self.system.data_table[ np.where(self.system.data_table["quant_type"] == "rv") ]["epoch"] ) - self.system.tau_ref_epoch ) # choose scale-and-rotate epoch # for multiplanet support, this is now a list. # For each planet, we find the measurment for it that corresponds to the smallest astrometric error self.epoch_idx = [] min_sep_indices = np.argsort( self.sep_err ) # indices of sep err sorted from smallest to higheset min_sep_indices_body = self.meas_object[ min_sep_indices ] # the corresponding body_num that these sorted measurements correspond to for i in range(self.system.num_secondary_bodies): body_num = i + 1 this_object_meas = np.where(min_sep_indices_body == body_num)[0] if np.size(this_object_meas) == 0: # no data, no scaling self.epoch_idx.append(None) continue # get the smallest measurement belonging to this body best_epoch = min_sep_indices[this_object_meas][ 0 ] # already sorted by argsort self.epoch_idx.append(best_epoch) if ( len(self.system.rv[0]) > 0 and self.system.fit_secondary_mass ): # checking for RV data self.rv_observed = self.system.data_table[ np.where(self.system.data_table["quant_type"] == "rv") ]["quant1"].copy() self.rv_err = self.system.data_table[ np.where(self.system.data_table["quant_type"] == "rv") ]["quant1_err"].copy() self.epoch_rv_idx = [ np.argmin(self.rv_observed), np.argmax(self.rv_observed), ] # create an empty results object self.results = orbitize.results.Results( self.system, sampler_name=self.__class__.__name__, post=None, lnlike=None, version_number=orbitize.__version__, )
[docs] def prepare_samples(self, num_samples): """ Prepare some orbits for rejection sampling. This draws random orbits from priors, and performs scale & rotate. Args: num_samples (int): number of orbits to draw and scale & rotate for OFTI to run rejection sampling on Return: np.array: array of prepared samples. The first dimension has size of num_samples. This should be passed into ``OFTI.reject()`` """ # generate sample orbits samples = np.empty([len(self.priors), num_samples]) for i in range(len(self.priors)): if hasattr(self.priors[i], "draw_samples"): samples[i, :] = self.priors[i].draw_samples(num_samples) else: # param is fixed & has no prior samples[i, :] = self.priors[i] * np.ones(num_samples) # Make Converison to Standard Basis: samples = self.system.basis.to_standard_basis(samples) for body_num in np.arange(self.system.num_secondary_bodies) + 1: sma = samples[ self.system.basis.standard_basis_idx["sma{}".format(body_num)], : ] ecc = samples[ self.system.basis.standard_basis_idx["ecc{}".format(body_num)], : ] inc = samples[ self.system.basis.standard_basis_idx["inc{}".format(body_num)], : ] argp = samples[ self.system.basis.standard_basis_idx["aop{}".format(body_num)], : ] lan = samples[ self.system.basis.standard_basis_idx["pan{}".format(body_num)], : ] tau = samples[ self.system.basis.standard_basis_idx["tau{}".format(body_num)], : ] plx = samples[self.system.basis.standard_basis_idx["plx"], :] if self.system.fit_secondary_mass: m0 = samples[self.system.basis.standard_basis_idx["m0"], :] m1 = samples[ self.system.basis.standard_basis_idx["m{}".format(body_num)], : ] mtot = m0 + m1 else: mtot = samples[self.system.basis.standard_basis_idx["mtot"], :] m1 = None min_epoch = self.epoch_idx[body_num - 1] if min_epoch is None: # Don't need to rotate and scale if no astrometric measurments for this body. Brute force rejection sampling continue period_prescale = np.sqrt( 4 * np.pi**2 * (sma * u.AU) ** 3 / (consts.G * (mtot * u.Msun)) ) period_prescale = meananno = self.epochs[min_epoch] / period_prescale - tau # compute sep/PA of generated orbits ra, dec, _ = orbitize.kepler.calc_orbit( self.epochs[min_epoch], sma, ecc, inc, argp, lan, tau, plx, mtot, tau_ref_epoch=0, mass_for_Kamp=m1, ) sep, pa = orbitize.system.radec2seppa(ra, dec) # sep[mas], PA[deg] # generate Gaussian offsets from observational uncertainties sep_offset = np.random.normal(0, self.sep_err[min_epoch], size=num_samples) pa_offset = np.random.normal(0, self.pa_err[min_epoch], size=num_samples) # calculate correction factors sma_corr = (sep_offset + self.sep_observed[min_epoch]) / sep lan_corr = pa_offset + self.pa_observed[min_epoch] - pa # perform scale-and-rotate sma *= sma_corr # [AU] lan += np.radians(lan_corr) # [rad] lan = (lan + 2 * np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) if self.system.restrict_angle_ranges: argp[lan >= np.pi] += np.pi argp = argp % (2 * np.pi) lan[lan >= np.pi] -= np.pi period_new = np.sqrt( 4 * np.pi**2 * (sma * u.AU) ** 3 / (consts.G * (mtot * u.Msun)) ) period_new = tau = (self.epochs[min_epoch] / period_new - meananno) % 1 # updates samples with new values of sma, pan, tau samples[ self.system.basis.standard_basis_idx["sma{}".format(body_num)], : ] = sma samples[ self.system.basis.standard_basis_idx["aop{}".format(body_num)], : ] = argp samples[ self.system.basis.standard_basis_idx["pan{}".format(body_num)], : ] = lan samples[ self.system.basis.standard_basis_idx["tau{}".format(body_num)], : ] = tau return samples
[docs] def reject(self, samples): """ Runs rejection sampling on some prepared samples. Args: samples (np.array): array of prepared samples. The first dimension \ has size ``num_samples``. This should be the output of \ ``prepare_samples()``. Return: tuple: np.array: a subset of ``samples`` that are accepted based on the data. np.array: the log likelihood values of the accepted orbits. """ lnp = self._logl(samples) # we just want the chi2 term for rejection, so compute the Gaussian normalization term and remove it errs = np.array( [self.system.data_table["quant1_err"], self.system.data_table["quant2_err"]] ).T if self.has_corr: corrs = self.system.data_table["quant12_corr"] else: corrs = None lnp_scaled = lnp - orbitize.lnlike.chi2_norm_term(errs, corrs) # account for user-set priors on PAN that were destroyed by scale-and-rotate for body_num in np.arange(self.system.num_secondary_bodies) + 1: pan_idx = self.system.basis.standard_basis_idx["pan{}".format(body_num)] pan_prior = self.system.sys_priors[pan_idx] if pan_prior is not orbitize.priors.UniformPrior: # apply PAN prior lnp_scaled += pan_prior.compute_lnprob(samples[pan_idx, :]) # prior is uniform but with different bounds that OFTI expects elif (pan_prior.minval != 0) or ( (pan_prior.maxval != np.pi) or (pan_prior.maxval != 2 * np.pi) ): samples_outside_pan_prior = np.where( (samples[pan_idx, :] < pan_prior.minval) or (samples[pan_idx, :] > pan_prior.maxval) )[0] lnp_scaled[samples_outside_pan_prior] = -np.inf # reject orbits with probability less than a uniform random number random_samples = np.log(np.random.random(len(lnp))) saved_orbit_idx = np.where(lnp_scaled > random_samples)[0] saved_orbits = np.array([samples[:, i] for i in saved_orbit_idx]) lnlikes = np.array([lnp[i] for i in saved_orbit_idx]) return saved_orbits, lnlikes
def _sampler_process( self, output, total_orbits, num_samples=10000, Value=0, lock=None ): """ Runs OFTI until it finds the number of total accepted orbits desired. Meant to be called by run_sampler. Args: output (manager.Queue): manager.Queue object to store results total_orbits (int): total number of accepted orbits desired by user num_samples (int): number of orbits to prepare for OFTI to run rejection sampling on Value (mp.Value(int)): global counter for the orbits generated lock: mp.lock object to prevent issues caused by access to shared memory by multiple processes Returns: tuple: output_orbits (np.array): array of accepted orbits, size: total_orbits output_lnlikes (np.array): array of log probabilities, size: total_orbits """ np.random.seed() n_orbits_saved = 0 output_orbits = np.empty((total_orbits, len(self.priors))) output_lnlikes = np.empty(total_orbits) # add orbits to `output_orbits` until `total_orbits` are saved while n_orbits_saved < total_orbits: samples = self.prepare_samples(num_samples) accepted_orbits, lnlikes = self.reject(samples) if len(accepted_orbits) == 0: pass else: n_accepted = len(accepted_orbits) maxindex2save = np.min([n_accepted, total_orbits - n_orbits_saved]) output_orbits[n_orbits_saved : n_orbits_saved + n_accepted] = ( accepted_orbits[0:maxindex2save] ) output_lnlikes[n_orbits_saved : n_orbits_saved + n_accepted] = lnlikes[ 0:maxindex2save ] n_orbits_saved += maxindex2save # add to the value of the global variable with lock: Value.value += maxindex2save output.put((np.array(output_orbits), output_lnlikes)) return (np.array(output_orbits), output_lnlikes)
[docs] def run_sampler( self, total_orbits, num_samples=10000, num_cores=None, OFTI_warning=60.0 ): """ Runs OFTI in parallel on multiple cores until we get the number of total accepted orbits we want. Args: total_orbits (int): total number of accepted orbits desired by user num_samples (int): number of orbits to prepare for OFTI to run rejection sampling on. Defaults to 10000. num_cores (int): the number of cores to run OFTI on. Defaults to number of cores availabe. OFTI_warning (float): if OFTI doesn't accept a single orbit before this amount of time (in seconds), print a warning suggesting to try MCMC. If None, don't print a warning. Return: np.array: array of accepted orbits. Size: total_orbits. Written by: Vighnesh Nagpal(2019) """ start_time = time.time() if num_cores != 1: if num_cores is None: num_cores = mp.cpu_count() results = [] # orbits_saved is a global counter for the number of orbits generated orbits_saved = mp.Value("i", 0) manager = mp.Manager() output = manager.Queue() # setup the processes lock = mp.Lock() nrun_per_core = int(np.ceil(float(total_orbits) / float(num_cores))) processes = [ mp.Process( target=self._sampler_process, args=(output, nrun_per_core, num_samples, orbits_saved, lock), ) for x in range(num_cores) ] # start the processes for p in processes: p.start() # print out the number of orbits generated every second while orbits_saved.value < total_orbits: if OFTI_warning is not None and orbits_saved.value == 0: check_time = time.time() - start_time if check_time > OFTI_warning: print( "Warning! OFTI is taking a while, and you may want to consider MCMC, check out the MCMC vs OFTI tutorial.", end="\n", ) OFTI_warning = None print( str(orbits_saved.value) + "/" + str(total_orbits) + " orbits found", end="\r", ) time.sleep(0.1) print( str(total_orbits) + "/" + str(total_orbits) + " orbits found", end="\r" ) # join the processes for p in processes: p.join() # get the results of each process from the queue for p in processes: results.append(output.get()) # filling up the output_orbits array output_orbits = np.zeros((total_orbits, len(self.priors))) output_lnlikes = np.empty(total_orbits) pos = 0 for p in results: num_to_fill = np.min([len(p[0]), total_orbits - pos]) output_orbits[pos : pos + num_to_fill] = p[0][0:num_to_fill] output_lnlikes[pos : pos + num_to_fill] = p[1][0:num_to_fill] pos += num_to_fill self.results.add_samples(np.array(output_orbits), output_lnlikes) return output_orbits else: # this block is executed if num_cores=1 n_orbits_saved = 0 output_orbits = np.empty((total_orbits, len(self.priors))) output_lnlikes = np.empty(total_orbits) # add orbits to `output_orbits` until `total_orbits` are saved while n_orbits_saved < total_orbits: samples = self.prepare_samples(num_samples) accepted_orbits, lnlikes = self.reject(samples) if len(accepted_orbits) == 0: check_time = time.time() - start_time if OFTI_warning is not None: if check_time > OFTI_warning: print( "Warning! OFTI is taking a while, and you may want to consider MCMC, check out the MCMC vs OFTI tutorial.", end="\n", ) OFTI_warning = None pass else: n_accepted = len(accepted_orbits) maxindex2save = np.min([n_accepted, total_orbits - n_orbits_saved]) output_orbits[n_orbits_saved : n_orbits_saved + n_accepted] = ( accepted_orbits[0:maxindex2save] ) output_lnlikes[n_orbits_saved : n_orbits_saved + n_accepted] = ( lnlikes[0:maxindex2save] ) n_orbits_saved += maxindex2save # print progress statement print( str(n_orbits_saved) + "/" + str(total_orbits) + " orbits found", end="\r", ) self.results.add_samples(np.array(output_orbits), output_lnlikes) return output_orbits
[docs]class MCMC(Sampler): """ MCMC sampler. Supports either parallel tempering or just regular MCMC. Parallel tempering will be run if ``num_temps`` > 1 Parallel-Tempered MCMC Sampler uses ptemcee, a fork of the emcee Affine-infariant sampler Affine-Invariant Ensemble MCMC Sampler uses emcee. .. Warning:: may not work well for multi-modal distributions Args: system (system.System): system.System object num_temps (int): number of temperatures to run the sampler at. Parallel tempering will be used if num_temps > 1 (default=20) num_walkers (int): number of walkers at each temperature (default=1000) num_threads (int): number of threads to use for parallelization (default=1) chi2_type (str, optional): either "standard", or "log" like (str): name of likelihood function in ```` custom_lnlike (func): ability to include an addition custom likelihood function in the fit. The function looks like ``clnlikes = custon_lnlike(params)`` where ``params`` is a RxM array of fitting parameters, where R is the number of orbital paramters (can be passed in system.compute_model()), and M is the number of orbits we need model predictions for. It returns ``clnlikes`` which is an array of length M, or it can be a single float if M = 1. prev_result_filename (str): if passed a filename to an HDF5 file containing a orbitize.Result data, MCMC will restart from where it left off. Written: Jason Wang, Henry Ngo, 2018 """ def __init__( self, system, num_temps=20, num_walkers=1000, num_threads=1, chi2_type="standard", like="chi2_lnlike", custom_lnlike=None, prev_result_filename=None, ): super(MCMC, self).__init__( system, like=like, chi2_type=chi2_type, custom_lnlike=custom_lnlike ) self.num_temps = num_temps self.num_walkers = num_walkers self.num_threads = num_threads # create an empty results object self.results = orbitize.results.Results( self.system, sampler_name=self.__class__.__name__, post=None, lnlike=None, version_number=orbitize.__version__, ) if self.num_temps > 1: self.use_pt = True else: self.use_pt = False self.num_temps = 1 # get priors from the system class. need to remove and record fixed priors self.priors = [] self.fixed_params = [] self.sampled_param_idx = {} sampled_param_counter = 0 for i, prior in enumerate(system.sys_priors): # check for fixed parameters if not hasattr(prior, "draw_samples"): self.fixed_params.append((i, prior)) else: self.priors.append(prior) self.sampled_param_idx[self.system.labels[i]] = sampled_param_counter sampled_param_counter += 1 # initialize walkers initial postions self.num_params = len(self.priors) if prev_result_filename is None: # initialize walkers initial postions init_positions = [] for prior in self.priors: # draw them uniformly becase we don't know any better right now # TODO: be smarter in the future random_init = prior.draw_samples(num_walkers * self.num_temps) if self.num_temps > 1: random_init = random_init.reshape([self.num_temps, num_walkers]) init_positions.append(random_init) # save this as the current position for the walkers if self.use_pt: # make this an numpy array, but combine the parameters into a shape of (ntemps, nwalkers, nparams) # we currently have a list of [ntemps, nwalkers] with nparam arrays. We need to make nparams the third dimension self.curr_pos = np.dstack(init_positions) else: # make this an numpy array, but combine the parameters into a shape of (nwalkers, nparams) # we currently have a list of arrays where each entry is num_walkers prior draws for each parameter # We need to make nparams the second dimension, so we have to transpose the stacked array self.curr_pos = np.stack(init_positions).T else: # restart from previous walker positions self.results.load_results(prev_result_filename, append=True) prev_pos = self.results.curr_pos # check previous positions has the correct dimensions as we need given how this sampler was created. expected_shape = (self.num_walkers, len(self.priors)) if self.use_pt: expected_shape = (self.num_temps,) + expected_shape if prev_pos.shape != expected_shape: raise ValueError( "Unable to restart chain. Saved walker positions has shape {0}, while current sampler needs {1}".format( prev_pos.shape, expected_shape ) ) self.curr_pos = prev_pos def _fill_in_fixed_params(self, sampled_params): """ Fills in the missing parameters from the chain that aren't being sampled Args: sampled_params (np.array): either 1-D array of size = number of sampled params, or 2-D array of shape (num_models, num_params) Returns: np.array: same number of dimensions as sampled_params, but with num_params including the fixed parameters """ if len(self.fixed_params) == 0: # nothing to add return sampled_params # check if 1-D or 2-D twodim = np.ndim(sampled_params) == 2 # insert in params for index, value in self.fixed_params: if twodim: sampled_params = np.insert(sampled_params, index, value, axis=1) else: sampled_params = np.insert(sampled_params, index, value) return sampled_params def _logl(self, params, include_logp=False): """ log likelihood function that interfaces with the orbitize objects Comptues the sum of the log likelihoods of the data given the input model Args: params (np.array of float): MxR array of fitting parameters, where R is the number of parameters being fit, and M is the number of orbits we need model predictions for. Must be in the same order documented in System() above. If M=1, this can be a 1d array. include_logp (bool): if True, also include log prior in this function Returns: lnlikes (float): sum of all log likelihoods of the data given input model """ if include_logp: if np.ndim(params) == 1: logp = orbitize.priors.all_lnpriors(params, self.priors) # escape if logp == -np.inf if np.isinf(logp): return -np.inf else: logp = np.array( [orbitize.priors.all_lnpriors(pset, self.priors) for pset in params] ) else: logp = 0 # don't include prior full_params = self._fill_in_fixed_params(params) if np.ndim(full_params) == 2: full_params = full_params.T return super(MCMC, self)._logl(full_params) + logp def _update_chains_from_sampler(self, sampler, num_steps=None): """ Updates, self.chain, and self.lnlike from the MCMC sampler Args: sampler (emcee.EnsembleSampler or ptemcee.Sampler): sampler object. num_steps (int): if not None, only stores the first num_steps number of steps """ if num_steps is None: # use all the steps, grab total number of steps from dimension of chains num_steps = sampler.chain.shape[-2] self.chain = sampler.chain num_params = self.chain.shape[-1] if self.use_pt: # chain is shape: Ntemp x Nwalkers x Nsteps x Nparams = sampler.chain[0, :, :num_steps].reshape( -1, num_params ) # the reshaping flattens the chain # should also be picking out the lowest temperature logps self.lnlikes = sampler.loglikelihood[0, :, :num_steps].flatten() self.lnlikes_alltemps = sampler.loglikelihood[:, :, :num_steps] else: # chain is shape: Nwalkers x Nsteps x Nparams = sampler.chain[:, :num_steps].reshape(-1, num_params) self.lnlikes = sampler.lnprobability[:, :num_steps].flatten() # convert posterior probability (returned by sampler objects) to likelihood (required by orbitize.results.Results) for i, orb in enumerate( self.lnlikes[i] -= orbitize.priors.all_lnpriors(orb, self.priors) # include fixed parameters in posterior = self._fill_in_fixed_params(
[docs] def validate_xyz_positions(self): """ If using the XYZ basis, walkers might be initialized in an invalid region of parameter space. This function fixes that by replacing invalid positions by new randomly generated positions until all are valid. """ if self.system.fitting_basis == "XYZ": if self.use_pt: all_valid = False while not all_valid: total_invalids = 0 for temp in range(self.num_temps): to_stand = self.system.basis.to_standard_basis( self.curr_pos[temp, :, :].T.copy() ).T # Get invalids by checking ecc values for each companion indices = [ ((i * 6) + 1) for i in range(self.system.num_secondary_bodies) ] invalids = np.where( (to_stand[:, indices] < 0.0) | (to_stand[:, indices] >= 1.0) )[0] # Redraw samples for the invalid ones if len(invalids) > 0: newpos = [] for prior in self.priors: randompos = prior.draw_samples(len(invalids)) newpos.append(randompos) self.curr_pos[temp, invalids, :] = np.stack(newpos).T total_invalids += len(invalids) if total_invalids == 0: all_valid = True print("All walker positions validated.") else: all_valid = False while not all_valid: total_invalids = 0 to_stand = self.system.basis.to_standard_basis( self.curr_pos[:, :].T.copy() ).T # Get invalids by checking ecc values for each companion indices = [ ((i * 6) + 1) for i in range(self.system.num_secondary_bodies) ] invalids = np.where( (to_stand[:, indices] < 0.0) | (to_stand[:, indices] >= 1.0) )[0] # Redraw saples for the invalid ones if len(invalids) > 0: newpos = [] for prior in self.priors: randompos = prior.draw_samples(len(invalids)) newpos.append(randompos) self.curr_pos[invalids, :] = np.stack(newpos).T total_invalids += len(invalids) if total_invalids == 0: all_valid = True print("All walker positions validated.")
[docs] def run_sampler( self, total_orbits, burn_steps=0, thin=1, examine_chains=False, output_filename=None, periodic_save_freq=None, ): """ Runs PT MCMC sampler. Results are stored in ``self.chain`` and ``self.lnlikes``. Results also added to ``orbitize.results.Results`` object (``self.results``) .. Note:: Can be run multiple times if you want to pause and inspect things. Each call will continue from the end state of the last execution. Args: total_orbits (int): total number of accepted possible orbits that are desired. This equals ``num_steps_per_walker`` x ``num_walkers`` burn_steps (int): optional paramter to tell sampler to discard certain number of steps at the beginning thin (int): factor to thin the steps of each walker by to remove correlations in the walker steps examine_chains (boolean): Displays plots of walkers at each step by running `examine_chains` after `total_orbits` sampled. output_filename (str): Optional filepath for where results file can be saved. periodic_save_freq (int): Optionally, save the current results into ``output_filename`` every nth step while running, where n is value passed into this variable. Returns: ``emcee.sampler`` object: the sampler used to run the MCMC """ if periodic_save_freq is not None and output_filename is None: raise ValueError( "output_filename must be defined for periodic saving of the chains" ) if periodic_save_freq is not None and not isinstance(periodic_save_freq, int): raise TypeError("periodic_save_freq must be an integer") nsteps = int(np.ceil(total_orbits / self.num_walkers)) if nsteps <= 0: raise ValueError("Total_orbits must be greater than num_walkers.") with Pool(processes=self.num_threads) as pool: if self.use_pt: sampler = ptemcee.Sampler( self.num_walkers, self.num_params, self._logl, orbitize.priors.all_lnpriors, ntemps=self.num_temps, threads=self.num_threads, logpargs=[ self.priors, ], ) else: sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler( self.num_walkers, self.num_params, self._logl, pool=pool, kwargs={"include_logp": True}, ) print("Starting Burn in") for i, state in enumerate( sampler.sample(self.curr_pos, iterations=burn_steps, thin=thin) ): if self.use_pt: self.curr_pos = state[0] else: self.curr_pos = state.coords if (i + 1) % 5 == 0: print( str(i + 1) + "/" + str(burn_steps) + " steps of burn-in complete", end="\r", ) if periodic_save_freq is not None: if (i + 1) % periodic_save_freq == 0: # we've completed i+1 steps self.results.curr_pos = self.curr_pos self.results.save_results(output_filename) sampler.reset() print("") print("Burn in complete. Sampling posterior now.") saved_upto = 0 # keep track of how many steps of this chain we've saved. this is the next index that needs to be saved for i, state in enumerate( sampler.sample(self.curr_pos, iterations=nsteps, thin=thin) ): if self.use_pt: self.curr_pos = state[0] else: self.curr_pos = state.coords # print progress statement if (i + 1) % 5 == 0: print(str(i + 1) + "/" + str(nsteps) + " steps completed", end="\r") if periodic_save_freq is not None: if (i + 1) % periodic_save_freq == 0: # we've completed i+1 steps self._update_chains_from_sampler(sampler, num_steps=i + 1) # figure out what is the new chunk of the chain and corresponding lnlikes that have been computed before last save # grab the current posterior and lnlikes and reshape them to have the Nwalkers x Nsteps dimension again post_shape = curr_chain_shape = ( self.num_walkers, post_shape[0] // self.num_walkers, post_shape[-1], ) curr_chain = curr_lnlike_chain = self.lnlikes.reshape(curr_chain_shape[:2]) # use the reshaped arrays and find the new steps we computed curr_chunk = curr_chain[:, saved_upto : i + 1] curr_chunk = curr_chunk.reshape( -1, curr_chunk.shape[-1] ) # flatten nwalkers x nsteps dim curr_lnlike_chunk = curr_lnlike_chain[ :, saved_upto : i + 1 ].flatten() # add this current chunk to the results object (which already has all the previous chunks saved) self.results.add_samples( curr_chunk, curr_lnlike_chunk, curr_pos=self.curr_pos ) self.results.save_results(output_filename) saved_upto = i + 1 print("") self._update_chains_from_sampler(sampler) if periodic_save_freq is None: # need to save everything self.results.add_samples(, self.lnlikes, curr_pos=self.curr_pos ) elif saved_upto < nsteps: # just need to save the last few # same code as above except we just need to grab the last few post_shape = curr_chain_shape = ( self.num_walkers, post_shape[0] // self.num_walkers, post_shape[-1], ) curr_chain = curr_lnlike_chain = self.lnlikes.reshape(curr_chain_shape[:2]) curr_chunk = curr_chain[:, saved_upto:] curr_chunk = curr_chunk.reshape( -1, curr_chunk.shape[-1] ) # flatten nwalkers x nsteps dim curr_lnlike_chunk = curr_lnlike_chain[:, saved_upto:].flatten() self.results.add_samples( curr_chunk, curr_lnlike_chunk, curr_pos=self.curr_pos ) if output_filename is not None: self.results.save_results(output_filename) print("Run complete") # Close pool if examine_chains: self.examine_chains() return sampler
[docs] def examine_chains( self, param_list=None, walker_list=None, n_walkers=None, step_range=None, transparency=1, ): """ Plots position of walkers at each step from Results object. Returns list of figures, one per parameter Args: param_list: List of strings of parameters to plot (e.g. "sma1") If None (default), all parameters are plotted walker_list: List or array of walker numbers to plot If None (default), all walkers are plotted n_walkers (int): Randomly select `n_walkers` to plot Overrides walker_list if this is set If None (default), walkers selected as per `walker_list` step_range (array or tuple): Start and end values of step numbers to plot If None (default), all the steps are plotted transparency (int or float): Determines visibility of the plotted function If 1 (default) results plot at 100% opacity Returns: List of ``matplotlib.pyplot.Figure`` objects: Walker position plot for each parameter selected (written): Henry Ngo, 2019 """ # Get the flattened chain from Results object (nwalkers*nsteps, nparams) flatchain = np.copy( total_samples, n_params = flatchain.shape n_steps = int(total_samples / self.num_walkers) # Reshape it to (nwalkers, nsteps, nparams) chn = flatchain.reshape((self.num_walkers, n_steps, n_params)) # Get list of walkers to use if ( n_walkers is not None ): # If n_walkers defined, randomly choose that many walkers walkers_to_plot = np.random.choice( self.num_walkers, size=n_walkers, replace=False ) elif walker_list is not None: # if walker_list is given, use that list walkers_to_plot = np.array(walker_list) else: # both n_walkers and walker_list are none, so use all walkers walkers_to_plot = np.arange(self.num_walkers) # Get list of parameters to use if param_list is None: params_to_plot = np.arange(n_params) else: # build list from user input strings params_plot_list = [] for i in param_list: if i in self.system.basis.param_idx: params_plot_list.append(self.system.basis.param_idx[i]) else: raise Exception( "Invalid param name: {}. See system.basis.param_idx.".format(i) ) params_to_plot = np.array(params_plot_list) # Loop through each parameter and make plot output_figs = [] for pp in params_to_plot: fig, ax = plt.subplots() for ww in walkers_to_plot: ax.plot(chn[ww, :, pp], "k-", alpha=transparency) ax.set_xlabel("Step") if step_range is not None: # Limit range shown if step_range is set ax.set_xlim(step_range) output_figs.append(fig) # Return return output_figs
[docs] def chop_chains(self, burn, trim=0): """ Permanently removes steps from beginning (and/or end) of chains from the Results object. Also updates `curr_pos` if steps are removed from the end of the chain. Args: burn (int): The number of steps to remove from the beginning of the chains trim (int): The number of steps to remove from the end of the chians (optional) .. Warning:: Does not update bookkeeping arrays within `MCMC` sampler object. (written): Henry Ngo, 2019 """ # Retrieve information from results object flatchain = np.copy( total_samples, n_params = flatchain.shape n_steps = int(total_samples / self.num_walkers) flatlnlikes = np.copy(self.results.lnlike) # Reshape chain to (nwalkers, nsteps, nparams) chn = flatchain.reshape((self.num_walkers, n_steps, n_params)) # Reshape lnlike to (nwalkers, nsteps) lnlikes = flatlnlikes.reshape((self.num_walkers, n_steps)) # Find beginning and end indices for steps to keep keep_start = burn keep_end = n_steps - trim n_chopped_steps = n_steps - trim - burn # Update arrays in `sampler`: chain, lnlikes, lnlikes_alltemps (if PT), post chopped_chain = chn[:, keep_start:keep_end, :] chopped_lnlikes = lnlikes[:, keep_start:keep_end] # Update current position if trimmed from edge if trim > 0: self.curr_pos = chopped_chain[:, -1, :] # Flatten likelihoods and samples flat_chopped_chain = chopped_chain.reshape( self.num_walkers * n_chopped_steps, n_params ) flat_chopped_lnlikes = chopped_lnlikes.reshape( self.num_walkers * n_chopped_steps ) # Update results object associated with this sampler self.results = orbitize.results.Results( self.system, sampler_name=self.__class__.__name__, post=flat_chopped_chain, lnlike=flat_chopped_lnlikes, version_number=orbitize.__version__, curr_pos=self.curr_pos, ) # Print a confirmation print("Chains successfully chopped. Results object updated.")
[docs] def check_prior_support(self): """ Review the positions of all MCMC walkers, to verify that they are supported by the prior space. This function will raise a descriptive ValueError if any positions lie outside prior support. Otherwise, it will return nothing. (written): Adam Smith, 2021 """ # Flatten the walker/temperature positions for ease of manipulation. all_positions = self.curr_pos.reshape( self.num_walkers * self.num_temps, self.num_params ) # Placeholder list to track any bad parameters that come up. bad_parameters = [] # If there are no covarient priors, loop on each variable to locate any out-of-place parameters. (this is why we transpose the walkers) if not np.any([prior.is_correlated for prior in self.priors]): for i, x in enumerate(all_positions.T): # Any issues with this parameter? lnprob = self.priors[i].compute_lnprob(np.array(x)) supported = np.isfinite(lnprob).all() == True if supported == False: # Problem detected. Take note and continue the loop - we want to catch all the problem parameters. bad_parameters.append(str(i)) # Throw our ValueError if necessary, if len(bad_parameters) > 0: raise ValueError( "Attempting to start with walkers outside of prior support: check parameter(s) " + ", ".join(bad_parameters) ) # We're not done yet, however. There may be errors in covariant priors; run a check for that. else: for y in all_positions: lnprob = orbitize.priors.all_lnpriors(y, self.priors) if not np.isfinite(lnprob).all(): raise ValueError( "Attempting to start with walkers outside of prior support: covariant prior failure." ) # otherwise exit the function and continue. return
[docs]class NestedSampler(Sampler): """ Implements nested sampling using Dynesty package. Thea McKenna, Sarah Blunt, & Lea Hirsch 2024 """ def __init__(self, system): super(NestedSampler, self).__init__(system) # create an empty results object self.results = orbitize.results.Results( self.system, sampler_name=self.__class__.__name__, post=None, lnlike=None, version_number=orbitize.__version__, ) self.start = time.time() self.dynesty_sampler = None
[docs] def ptform(self, u): """ Prior transform function. Args: u (array of floats): list of samples with values 0 < u < 1. Returns: numpy array of floats: 1D u samples transformed to a chosen Prior Class distribution. """ utform = np.zeros(len(u)) for i in range(len(u)): try: utform[i] = self.system.sys_priors[i].transform_samples(u[i]) except AttributeError: # prior is a fixed number utform[i] = self.system.sys_priors[i] return utform
[docs] def run_sampler( self, static=False, bound="multi", pfrac=1.0, num_threads=1, start_method="fork", run_nested_kwargs={}, ): """Runs the nested sampler from the Dynesty package. Args: static (bool): True if using static nested sampling, False if using dynamic. bound (str): Method used to approximately bound the prior using the current set of live points. Conditions the sampling methods used to propose new live points. See for complete list of options. pfrac (float): posterior weight, between 0 and 1. Can only be altered for the Dynamic nested sampler, otherwise this keyword is unused. num_threads (int): number of threads to use for parallelization (default=1) start_method (str): multiprocessing start method. Default "fork," which won't work on all OS. Change to "spawn" if you get an error, and make sure you run your orbitize! script inside an if __name__=='__main__' condition to protect entry points. run_nested_kwargs (dict): dictionary of keywords to be passed into dynesty.Sampler.run_nested() Returns: tuple: numpy.array of float: posterior samples int: number of iterations it took to converge """ mp.set_start_method(start_method, force=True) if static and pfrac != 1.0: raise ValueError( """The static nested sampler does not take alternate values for pfrac.""" ) if num_threads > 1: with dynesty.pool.Pool(num_threads, self._logl, self.ptform) as pool: if static: self.dynesty_sampler = dynesty.NestedSampler( pool.loglike, pool.prior_transform, len(self.system.sys_priors), pool=pool, bound=bound, bootstrap=False, ) self.dynesty_sampler.run_nested(**run_nested_kwargs) else: self.dynesty_sampler = dynesty.DynamicNestedSampler( pool.loglike, pool.prior_transform, len(self.system.sys_priors), pool=pool, bound=bound, bootstrap=False, ) self.dynesty_sampler.run_nested( wt_kwargs={"pfrac": pfrac}, **run_nested_kwargs ) else: if static: self.dynesty_sampler = dynesty.NestedSampler( self._logl, self.ptform, len(self.system.sys_priors), bound=bound, ) self.dynesty_sampler.run_nested(**run_nested_kwargs) else: self.dynesty_sampler = dynesty.DynamicNestedSampler( self._logl, self.ptform, len(self.system.sys_priors), bound=bound, ) self.dynesty_sampler.run_nested( wt_kwargs={"pfrac": pfrac}, **run_nested_kwargs ) self.results.add_samples( self.dynesty_sampler.results["samples"], self.dynesty_sampler.results["logl"], ) num_iter = self.dynesty_sampler.results["niter"] return self.dynesty_sampler.results["samples"], num_iter