Source code for orbitize.results

import numpy as np
import h5py
import os

import astropy.table as table

import orbitize.system
import orbitize.basis
import orbitize.plot
import orbitize.gaia, orbitize.hipparcos

[docs]class Results(object): """ A class to store accepted orbital configurations from the sampler Args: system (orbitize.system.System): System object used to do the fit. sampler_name (string): name of sampler class that generated these results (default: None). post (np.array of float): MxN array of orbital parameters (posterior output from orbit-fitting process), where M is the number of orbits generated, and N is the number of varying orbital parameters in the fit (default: None). lnlike (np.array of float): M array of log-likelihoods corresponding to the orbits described in ``post`` (default: None). version_number (str): version of orbitize that produced these results. data (astropy.table.Table): output from ``orbitize.read_input.read_file()`` curr_pos (np.array of float): for MCMC only. A multi-D array of the current walker positions that is used for restarting a MCMC sampler. Written: Henry Ngo, Sarah Blunt, 2018 API Update: Sarah Blunt, 2021 """ def __init__( self, system=None, sampler_name=None, post=None, lnlike=None, version_number=None, curr_pos=None ): self.system = system self.sampler_name = sampler_name = post self.lnlike = lnlike self.curr_pos = curr_pos self.version_number = version_number if self.system is not None: self.tau_ref_epoch = self.system.tau_ref_epoch self.labels = self.system.labels = self.system.data_table self.num_secondary_bodies = self.system.num_secondary_bodies self.fitting_basis = self.system.fitting_basis self.basis = self.system.basis self.param_idx = self.system.param_idx self.standard_param_idx = self.system.basis.standard_basis_idx
[docs] def add_samples(self, orbital_params, lnlikes, curr_pos=None): """ Add accepted orbits, their likelihoods, and the orbitize version number to the results Args: orbital_params (np.array): add sets of orbital params (could be multiple) to results lnlike (np.array): add corresponding lnlike values to results curr_pos (np.array of float): for MCMC only. A multi-D array of the current walker positions Written: Henry Ngo, 2018 API Update: Sarah Blunt, 2021 """ # Adding the orbitize version number to the results if self.version_number is None: self.version_number = orbitize.__version__ # If no exisiting results then it is easy if is None: = orbital_params self.lnlike = lnlikes # Otherwise, need to append properly else: = np.vstack((, orbital_params)) self.lnlike = np.append(self.lnlike, lnlikes) if curr_pos is not None: self.curr_pos = curr_pos
[docs] def save_results(self, filename): """ Save results.Results object to an hdf5 file Args: filename (string): filepath to save to Save attributes from the ``results.Results`` object. ``sampler_name``, ``tau_ref_epcoh``, ``version_number`` are attributes of the root group. ``post``, ``lnlike``, and ``parameter_labels`` are datasets that are members of the root group. Written: Henry Ngo, 2018 API Update: Sarah Blunt, 2021 """ hf = h5py.File(filename, 'w') # Creates h5py file object # Add sampler_name as attribute of the root group hf.attrs['sampler_name'] = self.sampler_name hf.attrs['version_number'] = self.version_number # Now add post and lnlike from the results object as datasets hf.create_dataset('post', # hf.create_dataset('data', if self.lnlike is not None: hf.create_dataset('lnlike', data=self.lnlike) if self.curr_pos is not None: hf.create_dataset("curr_pos", data=self.curr_pos) hf.close() # Closes file object, which writes file to disk
[docs] def load_results(self, filename, append=False): """ Populate the ``results.Results`` object with data from a datafile Args: filename (string): filepath where data is saved append (boolean): if True, then new data is added to existing object. If False (default), new data overwrites existing object See the ``save_results()`` method in this module for information on how the data is structured. Written: Henry Ngo, 2018 API Update: Sarah Blunt, 2021 """ hf = h5py.File(filename, 'r') # Opens file for reading # Load up each dataset from hdf5 file sampler_name = str(hf.attrs['sampler_name']) try: version_number = str(hf.attrs['version_number']) except KeyError: version_number = "<= 1.13" post = np.array(hf.get('post')) lnlike = np.array(hf.get('lnlike')) try: num_secondary_bodies = int(hf.attrs['num_secondary_bodies']) except KeyError: # old, has to be single planet fit num_secondary_bodies = 1 try: data_table = table.Table(np.array(hf.get('data'))) except ValueError: # old version of results; add a dummy table data_table = table.Table( names = ( 'epoch', 'object', 'quant1', 'quant1_err', 'quant2', 'quant2_err', 'quant12_corr', 'quant_type', 'instrument' ), dtype=('<f8', '<i8', '<f8', '<f8', '<f8', '<f8', '<f8', 'S5', 'S5') ) try: # these are all saved keywords introduced in v2 restrict_angle_ranges = bool(hf.attrs['restrict_angle_ranges']) stellar_or_system_mass = float(hf.attrs['stellar_or_system_mass']) mass_err = float(hf.attrs['mass_err']) plx_err = float(hf.attrs['plx_err']) plx = float(hf.attrs['plx']) fit_secondary_mass = bool(hf.attrs['fit_secondary_mass']) use_rebound = bool(hf.attrs['use_rebound']) except KeyError: restrict_angle_ranges = False stellar_or_system_mass = np.nan plx = np.nan plx_err = 0 mass_err = 0 fit_secondary_mass = False use_rebound = False try: tau_ref_epoch = float(hf.attrs['tau_ref_epoch']) except KeyError: # probably an old results file when reference epoch was fixed at MJD = 0 tau_ref_epoch = 0 iad_data = hf.get("IAD_datafile") if iad_data is not None: tmpfile = 'thisisprettyhackysorrylmao' with open(tmpfile, 'w+') as f: try: for l in np.array(iad_data): f.write(l) except TypeError: for l in np.array(iad_data): f.write(l.decode('UTF-8')) hip_num = str(hf.attrs['hip_num']) alphadec0_epoch = float(hf.attrs['alphadec0_epoch']) renormalize_errors = bool(hf.attrs['renormalize_errors']) hipparcos_IAD = orbitize.hipparcos.HipparcosLogProb( tmpfile, hip_num, num_secondary_bodies, alphadec0_epoch, renormalize_errors, ) os.system('rm {}'.format(tmpfile)) # load Gaia data try: gaia_num = int(hf.attrs['gaia_num']) dr = str(hf.attrs['dr']) gaia = orbitize.gaia.GaiaLogProb(gaia_num, hipparcos_IAD, dr) except KeyError: gaia = None # alternatively load HGCA. Note requires hipparcos_IAD attribute gaiagost_data = hf.get("Gaia_GOST") if gaiagost_data is not None: tmpfile = 'thisisprettyhackysorrylmao' tmptbl = table.Table(np.array(gaiagost_data)) tmptbl.write(tmpfile, format="ascii", overwrite=True) gaia = orbitize.gaia.HGCALogProb(int(hip_num), hipparcos_IAD, tmpfile) hipparcos_IAD = None # HGCA handles hipparocs, so don't want to pass Hipparcos also into the system os.system('rm {}'.format(tmpfile)) else: hipparcos_IAD = None gaia = None try: fitting_basis = str(hf.attrs['fitting_basis']) except KeyError: # if key does not exist, then it was fit in the standard basis fitting_basis = 'Standard' self.system = orbitize.system.System( num_secondary_bodies, data_table, stellar_or_system_mass, plx, mass_err, plx_err, restrict_angle_ranges, tau_ref_epoch, fit_secondary_mass, hipparcos_IAD, gaia, fitting_basis, use_rebound ) self.tau_ref_epoch = self.system.tau_ref_epoch self.labels = self.system.labels = self.system.data_table self.num_secondary_bodies = self.system.num_secondary_bodies self.fitting_basis = self.system.fitting_basis self.basis = self.system.basis self.param_idx = self.system.param_idx self.standard_param_idx = self.basis.standard_basis_idx try: curr_pos = np.array(hf.get('curr_pos')) except KeyError: curr_pos = None hf.close() # Closes file object # doesn't matter if append or not. Overwrite curr_pos if not None if curr_pos is not None: self.curr_pos = curr_pos # Adds loaded data to object as per append keyword if append: # if no sampler_name set, use the input file's value if self.sampler_name is None: self.sampler_name = sampler_name # otherwise only proceed if the sampler_names match elif self.sampler_name != sampler_name: raise Exception( 'Unable to append file {} to Results object. sampler_name of object and file do not match'.format(filename)) # if no version_number set, use the input file's value if self.version_number is None: self.version_number = version_number # otherwise only proceed if the version_numbers match elif self.version_number != version_number: raise Exception( 'Unable to append file {} to Results object. version_number of object and file do not match'.format(filename)) # Now append post and lnlike self.add_samples(post, lnlike)#, self.labels) else: # Only proceed if object is completely empty if self.sampler_name is None and is None and self.lnlike is None and self.version_number is None:# and self.tau_ref_epoch is None : self.sampler_name = sampler_name self.version_number = version_number self.add_samples(post, lnlike)#, self.labels) else: raise Exception( 'Unable to load file {} to Results object. append is set to False but object is not empty'.format(filename))
[docs] def print_results(self): """ Prints median and 68% credible intervals alongside fitting labels """ print('\nparam: med [68% CI]') print('-------------------\n') for i, l in enumerate(self.system.labels): print( '{}: {:.3f} [{:.3f} - {:.3f}]'.format( l, np.median([:,i]), np.quantile([:,i], 0.16), np.quantile([:,i], 0.84) ) ) print('-------------------\n')
[docs] def plot_corner(self, param_list=None, **corner_kwargs): """ Wrapper for orbitize.plot.plot_corner """ return orbitize.plot.plot_corner(self, param_list, **corner_kwargs)
[docs] def plot_orbits(self, object_to_plot=1, start_mjd=51544., num_orbits_to_plot=100, num_epochs_to_plot=100, square_plot=True, show_colorbar=True, cmap=orbitize.plot.cmap, sep_pa_color='lightgrey', sep_pa_end_year=2025.0, cbar_param='Epoch [year]', mod180=False, rv_time_series=False, plot_astrometry=True, plot_astrometry_insts=False, fig=None ): """ Wrapper for orbitize.plot.plot_orbits """ return orbitize.plot.plot_orbits( self, object_to_plot=object_to_plot, start_mjd=start_mjd, num_orbits_to_plot=num_orbits_to_plot, num_epochs_to_plot=num_epochs_to_plot, square_plot=square_plot, show_colorbar=show_colorbar, cmap=cmap, sep_pa_color=sep_pa_color, sep_pa_end_year=sep_pa_end_year, cbar_param=cbar_param, mod180=mod180, rv_time_series=rv_time_series, plot_astrometry=plot_astrometry, plot_astrometry_insts=plot_astrometry_insts, fig=fig )
[docs] def plot_propermotion(self, # system, object_to_plot=1, start_mjd=44239., periods_to_plot=1, end_year=2030.0, alpha = 0.05, num_orbits_to_plot=100, num_epochs_to_plot=100, show_colorbar=True, cmap=orbitize.plot.cmap, cbar_param=None, # fig=None ): """ Wrapper for orbitize.plot.plot_propermotion """ return orbitize.plot.plot_propermotion(self, self.system, object_to_plot=object_to_plot, start_mjd=start_mjd, periods_to_plot=periods_to_plot, end_year=end_year, alpha = alpha, num_orbits_to_plot=num_orbits_to_plot, num_epochs_to_plot=num_epochs_to_plot, show_colorbar=show_colorbar, cmap=cmap, cbar_param=cbar_param, # fig=fig )