Source code for orbitize.plot

import numpy as np
import corner
import warnings
import itertools

import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as consts
from astropy.time import Time

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
import matplotlib.colors as colors
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter

from erfa import ErfaWarning

import orbitize
import orbitize.kepler as kepler

# TODO: deprecatation warning for plots in results

# define modified color map for default use in orbit plots
cmap =
cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
    "trunc({n},{a:.2f},{b:.2f})".format(, a=0.0, b=0.7),
    cmap(np.linspace(0.0, 0.7, 1000)),

[docs]def plot_corner(results, param_list=None, **corner_kwargs): """ Make a corner plot of posterior on orbit fit from any sampler Args: param_list (list of strings): each entry is a name of a parameter to include. Valid strings:: sma1: semimajor axis ecc1: eccentricity inc1: inclination aop1: argument of periastron pan1: position angle of nodes tau1: epoch of periastron passage, expressed as fraction of orbital period per1: period K1: stellar radial velocity semi-amplitude [repeat for 2, 3, 4, etc if multiple objects] plx: parallax pm_ra: RA proper motion pm_dec: Dec proper motion alpha0: primary offset from reported Hipparcos RA @ alphadec0_epoch (generally 1991.25) delta0: primary offset from reported Hipparcos Dec @ alphadec0_epoch (generally 1991.25) gamma: rv offset sigma: rv jitter mi: mass of individual body i, for i = 0, 1, 2, ... (only if fit_secondary_mass == True) mtot: total mass (only if fit_secondary_mass == False) **corner_kwargs: any remaining keyword args are sent to ``corner.corner``. See `here <>`_. Note: default axis labels used unless overwritten by user input. Return: ``matplotlib.pyplot.Figure``: corner plot .. Note:: **Example**: Use ``param_list = ['sma1,ecc1,inc1,sma2,ecc2,inc2']`` to only plot posteriors for semimajor axis, eccentricity and inclination of the first two companions Written: Henry Ngo, 2018 """ # Define array of default axis labels (overwritten if user specifies list) default_labels = { "sma": "$a_{0}$ [au]", "ecc": "$ecc_{0}$", "inc": "$inc_{0}$ [$^\\circ$]", "aop": "$\\omega_{0}$ [$^\\circ$]", "pan": "$\\Omega_{0}$ [$^\\circ$]", "tau": "$\\tau_{0}$", "tp": "$T_{{\\mathrm{{P}}}}$", "plx": "$\\pi$ [mas]", "gam": "$\\gamma$ [km/s]", "sig": "$\\sigma$ [km/s]", "mtot": "$M_T$ [M$_{{\\odot}}$]", "m0": "$M_0$ [M$_{{\\odot}}$]", "m": "$M_{0}$ [M$_{{\\rm Jup}}$]", "pm_ra": "$\\mu_{{\\alpha}}$ [mas/yr]", "pm_dec": "$\\mu_{{\\delta}}$ [mas/yr]", "alpha0": "$\\alpha^{{*}}_{{0}}$ [mas]", "delta0": "$\\delta_0$ [mas]", "m": "$M_{0}$ [M$_{{\\rm Jup}}$]", "per": "$P_{0}$ [yr]", "K": "$K_{0}$ [km/s]", "x": "$X_{0}$ [AU]", "y": "$Y_{0}$ [AU]", "z": "$Z_{0}$ [AU]", "xdot": "$xdot_{0}$ [km/s]", "ydot": "$ydot_{0}$ [km/s]", "zdot": "$zdot_{0}$ [km/s]", } if param_list is None: param_list = results.labels param_indices = [] angle_indices = [] secondary_mass_indices = [] for i, param in enumerate(param_list): index_num = results.param_idx[param] # only plot non-fixed parameters if np.std([:, index_num]) > 0: param_indices.append(index_num) label_key = param if ( label_key.startswith("aop") or label_key.startswith("pan") or label_key.startswith("inc") ): angle_indices.append(i) if label_key.startswith("m") and label_key != "m0" and label_key != "mtot": secondary_mass_indices.append(i) samples = np.copy([:, param_indices] ) # keep only chains for selected parameters samples[:, angle_indices] = np.degrees( samples[:, angle_indices] ) # convert angles from rad to deg samples[:, secondary_mass_indices] *= u.jupiterMass ) # convert to Jupiter masses for companions if ( "labels" not in corner_kwargs ): # use default labels if user didn't already supply them reduced_labels_list = [] for i in np.arange(len(param_indices)): label_key = param_list[i] if label_key.startswith("m") and label_key != "m0" and label_key != "mtot": body_num = label_key[1] label_key = "m" elif ( label_key == "m0" or label_key == "mtot" or label_key.startswith("plx") ): body_num = "" # maintain original label key elif label_key in ["pm_ra", "pm_dec", "alpha0", "delta0"]: body_num = "" elif label_key.startswith("gamma") or label_key.startswith("sigma"): body_num = "" label_key = label_key[0:3] else: body_num = label_key[-1] label_key = label_key[0:-1] reduced_labels_list.append(default_labels[label_key].format(body_num)) corner_kwargs["labels"] = reduced_labels_list figure = corner.corner(samples, **corner_kwargs) return figure
[docs]def plot_orbits( results, object_to_plot=1, start_mjd=51544.0, num_orbits_to_plot=100, num_epochs_to_plot=100, square_plot=True, show_colorbar=True, cmap=cmap, sep_pa_color="lightgrey", sep_pa_end_year=2025.0, cbar_param="Epoch [year]", mod180=False, rv_time_series=False, plot_astrometry=True, plot_astrometry_insts=False, plot_errorbars=True, rv_time_series2=False, primary_instrument_name=None, fontsize=20, fig=None, ): """ Plots one orbital period for a select number of fitted orbits for a given object, with line segments colored according to time Args: object_to_plot (int): which object to plot (default: 1) start_mjd (float): MJD in which to start plotting orbits (default: 51544, the year 2000) num_orbits_to_plot (int): number of orbits to plot (default: 100) num_epochs_to_plot (int): number of points to plot per orbit (default: 100) square_plot (Boolean): Aspect ratio is always equal, but if square_plot is True (default), then the axes will be square, otherwise, white space padding is used show_colorbar (Boolean): Displays colorbar to the right of the plot [True] cmap ( color map to use for making orbit tracks (default: modified Purples_r) sep_pa_color (string): any valid matplotlib color string, used to set the color of the orbit tracks in the Sep/PA panels (default: 'lightgrey'). sep_pa_end_year (float): decimal year specifying when to stop plotting orbit tracks in the Sep/PA panels (default: 2025.0). cbar_param (string): options are the following: 'Epoch [year]', 'sma1', 'ecc1', 'inc1', 'aop1', 'pan1', 'tau1', 'plx. Number can be switched out. Default is Epoch [year]. mod180 (Bool): if True, PA will be plotted in range [180, 540]. Useful for plotting short arcs with PAs that cross 360 deg during observations (default: False) rv_time_series (Boolean): if fitting for secondary mass using MCMC for rv fitting and want to display time series, set to True. plot_astrometry (Boolean): set to True by default. Plots the astrometric data. plot_astrometry_insts (Boolean): set to False by default. Plots the astrometric data by instruments. fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure): optionally include a predefined Figure object to plot the orbit on. Most users will not need this keyword. Return: ``matplotlib.pyplot.Figure``: the orbit plot if input is valid, ``None`` otherwise (written): Henry Ngo, Sarah Blunt, 2018 Additions by Malena Rice, 2019 Additions by Dino Hsu, 2023 """ if Time(start_mjd, format="mjd").decimalyear >= sep_pa_end_year: raise ValueError( "start_mjd keyword date must be less than sep_pa_end_year keyword date." ) if object_to_plot > results.num_secondary_bodies: raise ValueError( "Only {0} secondary bodies being fit. Requested to plot body {1} which is out of range".format( results.num_secondary_bodies, object_to_plot ) ) if object_to_plot == 0: raise ValueError( "Plotting the primary's orbit is currently unsupported. Stay tuned." ) if rv_time_series and "m0" not in results.labels: rv_time_series = False warnings.warn( "It seems that the stellar and companion mass " "have not been fitted separately. Setting " "rv_time_series=True is therefore not possible " "so the argument is set to False instead." ) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", ErfaWarning) data =[["object"] == object_to_plot] possible_cbar_params = ["sma", "ecc", "inc", "aop" "pan", "tau", "plx"] if cbar_param in ["Epoch [year]", "Epoch (year)"]: pass elif cbar_param[0:3] in possible_cbar_params: index = results.param_idx[cbar_param] else: raise Exception( "Invalid input; acceptable inputs include 'Epoch [year]', 'plx', 'sma1', 'ecc1', 'inc1', 'aop1', 'pan1', 'tau1', 'sma2', 'ecc2', ...)" ) # Select random indices for plotted orbit num_orbits = len([:, 0]) if num_orbits_to_plot > num_orbits: num_orbits_to_plot = num_orbits choose = np.random.randint(0, high=num_orbits, size=num_orbits_to_plot) # Get posteriors from random indices standard_post = [] if results.sampler_name == "MCMC": # Convert the randomly chosen posteriors to standard keplerian set for i in np.arange(num_orbits_to_plot): orb_ind = choose[i] param_set = np.copy([orb_ind]) standard_post.append(results.basis.to_standard_basis(param_set)) else: # For OFTI, posteriors are already converted for i in np.arange(num_orbits_to_plot): orb_ind = choose[i] standard_post.append([orb_ind]) standard_post = np.array(standard_post) sma = standard_post[ :, results.standard_param_idx["sma{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] ecc = standard_post[ :, results.standard_param_idx["ecc{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] inc = standard_post[ :, results.standard_param_idx["inc{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] aop = standard_post[ :, results.standard_param_idx["aop{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] pan = standard_post[ :, results.standard_param_idx["pan{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] tau = standard_post[ :, results.standard_param_idx["tau{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] plx = standard_post[:, results.standard_param_idx["plx"]] # test gamma 3 if rv_time_series: # guess the instrument name if this is not specified if primary_instrument_name == None: primary_instrument_name =[["object"] == 0][ "instrument" ][0] gamma3 = standard_post[ :, results.standard_param_idx["gamma_" + primary_instrument_name] ] if (rv_time_series == True) or (rv_time_series2 == True): rv_data =[["object"] == 0] rv_data = rv_data[rv_data["quant_type"] == "rv"] # get list of rv instruments insts = np.unique(rv_data["instrument"]) if len(insts) == 0: insts = ["defrv"] # get gamma/sigma labels and corresponding positions in the posterior gams = ["gamma_" + inst for inst in insts] if isinstance(results.labels, list): labels = np.array(results.labels) else: labels = results.labels # get the indices corresponding to each gamma within results.labels gam_idx = [np.where(labels == inst_gamma)[0] for inst_gamma in gams] gamma = standard_post[:, gam_idx] if (rv_time_series == True) and (rv_time_series2 == True): gamma2 = gamma.reshape(sma.shape) # Then, get the other parameters if "mtot" in results.labels: mtot = standard_post[:, results.standard_param_idx["mtot"]] elif "m0" in results.labels: m0 = standard_post[:, results.standard_param_idx["m0"]] m1 = standard_post[ :, results.standard_param_idx["m{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] mtot = m0 + m1 raoff = np.zeros((num_orbits_to_plot, num_epochs_to_plot)) deoff = np.zeros((num_orbits_to_plot, num_epochs_to_plot)) vz_star = np.zeros((num_orbits_to_plot, num_epochs_to_plot)) epochs = np.zeros((num_orbits_to_plot, num_epochs_to_plot)) # Loop through each orbit to plot and calcualte ra/dec offsets for all points in orbit # Need this loops since epochs[] vary for each orbit, unless we want to just plot the same time period for all orbits for i in np.arange(num_orbits_to_plot): # Compute period (from Kepler's third law) period = np.sqrt( 4 * np.pi**2.0 * (sma * u.AU) ** 3 / (consts.G * (mtot * u.Msun)) ) period = # Create an epochs array to plot num_epochs_to_plot points over one orbital period epochs[i, :] = np.linspace( start_mjd, float(start_mjd + period[i]), num_epochs_to_plot ) # Calculate ra/dec offsets for all epochs of this orbit raoff0, deoff0, _ = kepler.calc_orbit( epochs[i, :], sma[i], ecc[i], inc[i], aop[i], pan[i], tau[i], plx[i], mtot[i], tau_ref_epoch=results.tau_ref_epoch, ) raoff[i, :] = raoff0 deoff[i, :] = deoff0 # Create a linearly increasing colormap for our range of epochs if cbar_param not in ["Epoch [year]", "Epoch (year)"]: cbar_param_arr =[:, index] norm = mpl.colors.Normalize( vmin=np.min(cbar_param_arr), vmax=np.max(cbar_param_arr) ) norm_yr = mpl.colors.Normalize( vmin=np.min(cbar_param_arr), vmax=np.max(cbar_param_arr) ) elif cbar_param in ["Epoch [year]", "Epoch (year)"]: min_cbar_date = np.min(epochs) max_cbar_date = np.max(epochs[-1, :]) # if we're plotting orbital periods greater than 1,000 yrs, limit the colorbar dynamic range if max_cbar_date - min_cbar_date > 1000 * 365.25: max_cbar_date = min_cbar_date + 1000 * 365.25 norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=min_cbar_date, vmax=max_cbar_date) norm_yr = mpl.colors.Normalize( vmin=Time(min_cbar_date, format="mjd").decimalyear, vmax=Time(max_cbar_date, format="mjd").decimalyear, ) # Before starting to plot rv data, make sure rv data exists: rv_indices = np.where(data["quant_type"] == "rv") if (rv_time_series == True) or (rv_time_series2 == True): if len(rv_indices) == 0: warnings.warn("Unable to plot radial velocity data.") rv_time_series = False # Create figure for orbit plots if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 6)) if (rv_time_series == True) and (rv_time_series2 == True): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 16)) ax = plt.subplot2grid((4, 18), (0, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=6) elif (rv_time_series == False) and (rv_time_series2 == True): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12)) ax = plt.subplot2grid((3, 16), (0, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=6) elif (rv_time_series == True) and (rv_time_series2 == False): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12)) ax = plt.subplot2grid((3, 16), (0, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=6) else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8)) ax = plt.subplot2grid((2, 14), (0, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=6) else: plt.set_current_figure(fig) if (rv_time_series) and (rv_time_series2): ax = plt.subplot2grid((4, 16), (0, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=6) elif (rv_time_series) and (not rv_time_series2): ax = plt.subplot2grid((3, 16), (0, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=6) elif (not rv_time_series) and (rv_time_series): ax = plt.subplot2grid((3, 16), (0, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=6) else: ax = plt.subplot2grid((2, 14), (0, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=6) astr_inds = np.where((~np.isnan(data["quant1"])) & (~np.isnan(data["quant2"]))) astr_epochs = data["epoch"][astr_inds] radec_inds = np.where(data["quant_type"] == "radec") seppa_inds = np.where(data["quant_type"] == "seppa") sep_data, sep_err = data["quant1"][seppa_inds], data["quant1_err"][seppa_inds] pa_data, pa_err = data["quant2"][seppa_inds], data["quant2_err"][seppa_inds] if len(radec_inds[0] > 0): sep_from_ra_data, pa_from_dec_data = orbitize.system.radec2seppa( data["quant1"][radec_inds], data["quant2"][radec_inds] ) num_radec_pts = len(radec_inds[0]) sep_err_from_ra_data = np.empty(num_radec_pts) pa_err_from_dec_data = np.empty(num_radec_pts) for j in np.arange(num_radec_pts): sep_err_from_ra_data[j], pa_err_from_dec_data[j], _ = ( orbitize.system.transform_errors( np.array(data["quant1"][radec_inds][j]), np.array(data["quant2"][radec_inds][j]), np.array(data["quant1_err"][radec_inds][j]), np.array(data["quant2_err"][radec_inds][j]), np.array(data["quant12_corr"][radec_inds][j]), orbitize.system.radec2seppa, ) ) sep_data = np.append(sep_data, sep_from_ra_data) sep_err = np.append(sep_err, sep_err_from_ra_data) pa_data = np.append(pa_data, pa_from_dec_data) pa_err = np.append(pa_err, pa_err_from_dec_data) # For plotting different astrometry instruments if plot_astrometry_insts: astr_colors = ("#FF7F11", "#11FFE3", "#14FF11", "#7A11FF", "#FF1919") astr_symbols = ("*", "o", "p", "s") ax_colors = itertools.cycle(astr_colors) ax_symbols = itertools.cycle(astr_symbols) astr_data = data[astr_inds] astr_insts = np.unique(data[astr_inds]["instrument"]) # Indices corresponding to each instrument in datafile astr_inst_inds = {} for i in range(len(astr_insts)): astr_inst_inds[astr_insts[i]] = np.where( astr_data["instrument"] == astr_insts[i].encode() )[0] # Plot each orbit (each segment between two points coloured using colormap) for i in np.arange(num_orbits_to_plot): points = np.array([raoff[i, :], deoff[i, :]]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2) segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1) lc = LineCollection(segments, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, linewidth=1.0) if cbar_param not in ["Epoch [year]", "Epoch (year)"]: lc.set_array(np.ones(len(epochs[0])) * cbar_param_arr[i]) elif cbar_param in ["Epoch [year]", "Epoch (year)"]: lc.set_array(epochs[i, :]) ax.add_collection(lc) if plot_astrometry: ra_data, dec_data = orbitize.system.seppa2radec(sep_data, pa_data) # Plot astrometry along with instruments if plot_astrometry_insts: for i in range(len(astr_insts)): ra = ra_data[astr_inst_inds[astr_insts[i]]] dec = dec_data[astr_inst_inds[astr_insts[i]]] ax.scatter( ra, dec, marker=next(ax_symbols), c=next(ax_colors), zorder=10, s=60, label=astr_insts[i], ) else: ax.scatter(ra_data, dec_data, marker="*", c="red", zorder=10, s=60) # modify the axes if square_plot: adjustable_param = "datalim" else: adjustable_param = "box" ax.set_aspect("equal", adjustable=adjustable_param) ax.set_xlabel("$\\Delta$RA (mas)", fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel("$\\Delta$Dec (mas)", fontsize=fontsize) ax.locator_params(axis="x", nbins=6) ax.locator_params(axis="y", nbins=6) ax.invert_xaxis() # To go to a left-handed coordinate system # plot sep/PA and/or rv zoom-in panels if (rv_time_series == True) and (rv_time_series2 == True): ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 16), (0, 8), colspan=8) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 16), (1, 8), colspan=8) ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 16), (2, 0), colspan=16, rowspan=1) ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 16), (3, 0), colspan=16, rowspan=1) ax2.set_ylabel("PA ($^{{\\circ}}$)", fontsize=fontsize) ax1.set_ylabel("$\\rho$ (mas)", fontsize=fontsize) ax3.set_ylabel("Primary RV (km/s)", fontsize=fontsize) ax3.set_xlabel("Epoch", fontsize=fontsize) ax2.set_xlabel("Epoch", fontsize=fontsize) ax4.set_ylabel("Companion RV (km/s)", fontsize=fontsize) ax4.set_xlabel("Epoch", fontsize=fontsize) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.3) elif (rv_time_series == True) and (rv_time_series2 == False): ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 14), (0, 8), colspan=6) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 14), (1, 8), colspan=6) ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 14), (2, 0), colspan=14, rowspan=1) ax2.set_ylabel("PA ($^{{\\circ}}$)", fontsize=fontsize) ax1.set_ylabel("$\\rho$ (mas)", fontsize=fontsize) ax3.set_ylabel("Primary RV (km/s)", fontsize=fontsize) ax3.set_xlabel("Epoch", fontsize=fontsize) ax2.set_xlabel("Epoch", fontsize=fontsize) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.3) elif (rv_time_series == False) and (rv_time_series2 == True): ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 14), (0, 8), colspan=6) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 14), (1, 8), colspan=6) ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 14), (2, 0), colspan=14, rowspan=1) ax2.set_ylabel("PA ($^{{\\circ}}$)", fontsize=fontsize) ax1.set_ylabel("$\\rho$ (mas)", fontsize=fontsize) ax3.set_ylabel("Companion RV (km/s)", fontsize=fontsize) ax3.set_xlabel("Epoch", fontsize=fontsize) ax2.set_xlabel("Epoch", fontsize=fontsize) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.3) else: ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 14), (0, 9), colspan=6) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 14), (1, 9), colspan=6) ax2.set_ylabel("PA [$^{{\\circ}}$]", fontsize=fontsize) ax1.set_ylabel("$\\rho$ (mas)", fontsize=fontsize) ax2.set_xlabel("Epoch", fontsize=fontsize) if plot_astrometry_insts: ax1_colors = itertools.cycle(astr_colors) ax1_symbols = itertools.cycle(astr_symbols) ax2_colors = itertools.cycle(astr_colors) ax2_symbols = itertools.cycle(astr_symbols) epochs_seppa = np.zeros((num_orbits_to_plot, num_epochs_to_plot)) for i in np.arange(num_orbits_to_plot): epochs_seppa[i, :] = np.linspace( start_mjd, Time(sep_pa_end_year, format="decimalyear").mjd, num_epochs_to_plot, ) # Calculate ra/dec offsets for all epochs of this orbit if (rv_time_series == True) or (rv_time_series2 == True): raoff0, deoff0, vz = kepler.calc_orbit( epochs_seppa[i, :], sma[i], ecc[i], inc[i], aop[i], pan[i], tau[i], plx[i], mtot[i], tau_ref_epoch=results.tau_ref_epoch, mass_for_Kamp=m0[i], ) raoff[i, :] = raoff0 deoff[i, :] = deoff0 else: raoff0, deoff0, _ = kepler.calc_orbit( epochs_seppa[i, :], sma[i], ecc[i], inc[i], aop[i], pan[i], tau[i], plx[i], mtot[i], tau_ref_epoch=results.tau_ref_epoch, ) raoff[i, :] = raoff0 deoff[i, :] = deoff0 yr_epochs = Time(epochs_seppa[i, :], format="mjd").decimalyear seps, pas = orbitize.system.radec2seppa( raoff[i, :], deoff[i, :], mod180=mod180 ) plt.plot(yr_epochs, seps, color=sep_pa_color) plt.plot(yr_epochs, pas, color=sep_pa_color) # plot RV orbits here if rv_time_series == True: # scale back to primary RV semi amplitude vz0 = vz * (-(mtot[i] - m0[i]) / np.median(m0[i])) epochs_rv = np.linspace( rv_data["epoch"][0] - 3 * 365, epochs_seppa[0, -1], num_epochs_to_plot, ) plt.plot( Time(epochs_rv, format="mjd").decimalyear, vz0 + gamma3[i], color=sep_pa_color, ) if rv_time_series2 == True: if rv_time_series == True: else: # scale back to primary RV semi amplitude if rv_time_series: epochs_rv = np.linspace( rv_data["epoch"][0] - 3 * 365, epochs_seppa[0, -1], num_epochs_to_plot, ) plt.plot( Time(epochs_rv, format="mjd").decimalyear, vz, color=sep_pa_color, ) else: rv_data2 =[["object"] == 1] rv_data2 = rv_data2[rv_data2["quant_type"] == "rv"] epochs_rv2 = np.linspace( rv_data2["epoch"][0] - 3 * 365, epochs_seppa[0, -1], num_epochs_to_plot, ) plt.plot( Time(epochs_rv2, format="mjd").decimalyear, vz, color=sep_pa_color, ) # Plot sep/pa instruments if plot_astrometry_insts: for i in range(len(astr_insts)): sep = sep_data[astr_inst_inds[astr_insts[i]]] pa = pa_data[astr_inst_inds[astr_insts[i]]] epochs = astr_epochs[astr_inst_inds[astr_insts[i]]] serr = sep_err[astr_inst_inds[astr_insts[i]]] perr = pa_err[astr_inst_inds[astr_insts[i]]] plt.scatter( Time(epochs, format="mjd").decimalyear, sep, s=10, marker=next(ax1_symbols), c=next(ax1_colors), zorder=10, label=astr_insts[i], ) plt.errorbar( Time(epochs, format="mjd").decimalyear, sep, yerr=serr, ms=5, linestyle="", ecolor=next(ax1_colors), zorder=10, capsize=2, ) plt.scatter( Time(epochs, format="mjd").decimalyear, pa, s=10, marker=next(ax2_symbols), c=next(ax2_colors), zorder=10, ) plt.errorbar( Time(epochs, format="mjd").decimalyear, pa, yerr=perr, ms=5, linestyle="", marker=next(ax2_symbols), ecolor=next(ax2_colors), zorder=10, capsize=2, ) plt.legend(fontsize=15, loc=1) else: plt.scatter( Time(astr_epochs, format="mjd").decimalyear, sep_data, s=60, marker="*", c="red", zorder=10, ) plt.errorbar( Time(astr_epochs, format="mjd").decimalyear, sep_data, yerr=sep_err, ms=5, linestyle="", ecolor="red", zorder=10, capsize=2, ) plt.scatter( Time(astr_epochs, format="mjd").decimalyear, pa_data, s=60, marker="*", c="red", zorder=10, ) plt.errorbar( Time(astr_epochs, format="mjd").decimalyear, pa_data, yerr=pa_err, ms=5, linestyle="", ecolor="red", zorder=10, capsize=2, ) if rv_time_series == True: rv_data =[["object"] == 0] rv_data = rv_data[rv_data["quant_type"] == "rv"] # switch current axis to rv panel # get list of rv instruments insts = np.unique(rv_data["instrument"]) if len(insts) == 0: insts = ["defrv"] # get gamma/sigma labels and corresponding positions in the posterior gams = ["gamma_" + inst for inst in insts] if isinstance(results.labels, list): labels = np.array(results.labels) else: labels = results.labels # get the indices corresponding to each gamma within results.labels gam_idx = [np.where(labels == inst_gamma)[0] for inst_gamma in gams] # indices corresponding to each instrument in the datafile inds = {} for i in range(len(insts)): inds[insts[i]] = np.where(rv_data["instrument"] == insts[i].encode())[0] # choose the orbit with the best log probability best_like = np.where(results.lnlike == np.amax(results.lnlike))[0][0] med_ga = [[best_like, i] for i in gam_idx] # Get the posteriors for this index and convert to standard basis best_post = results.basis.to_standard_basis([best_like].copy()) # Get the masses for the best posteriors: best_m0 = best_post[results.standard_param_idx["m0"]] best_m1 = best_post[ results.standard_param_idx["m{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] best_mtot = best_m0 + best_m1 # colour/shape scheme scheme for rv data points clrs = ("#0496FF", "#372554", "#FF1053", "#3A7CA5", "#143109") symbols = ("o", "^", "v", "s") ax3_colors = itertools.cycle(clrs) ax3_symbols = itertools.cycle(symbols) # get rvs and plot them for i, name in enumerate(inds.keys()): inst_data = rv_data[inds[name]] rvs = inst_data["quant1"] epochs = inst_data["epoch"] epochs = Time(epochs, format="mjd").decimalyear # don't include this so we can plot more orbits # rvs -= med_ga[i] # rvs -= best_post[results.param_idx[gams[i]]] plt.scatter( epochs, rvs, s=30, marker=next(ax3_symbols), c="blue", label=name, zorder=5, ) plt.errorbar( x=epochs, y=rvs, yerr=inst_data["quant1_err"], ecolor="blue", zorder=5, ls="none", ) if len(inds.keys()) == 1 and "defrv" in inds.keys(): pass else: plt.legend(fontsize=20, loc=1) ## calculate the predicted rv trend using the best orbit # _, _, vz = kepler.calc_orbit( # epochs_seppa[0, :], # best_post[results.standard_param_idx['sma{}'.format(object_to_plot)]], # best_post[results.standard_param_idx['ecc{}'.format(object_to_plot)]], # best_post[results.standard_param_idx['inc{}'.format(object_to_plot)]], # best_post[results.standard_param_idx['aop{}'.format(object_to_plot)]], # best_post[results.standard_param_idx['pan{}'.format(object_to_plot)]], # best_post[results.standard_param_idx['tau{}'.format(object_to_plot)]], # best_post[results.standard_param_idx['plx']], best_mtot, # tau_ref_epoch=results.tau_ref_epoch, mass_for_Kamp=best_m0 # ) # # ## scale to the RV semiampltude of primary # vz=vz*-(best_m1)/np.median(best_m0) # ## plot rv trend # plt.plot(Time(epochs_seppa[0, :],format='mjd').decimalyear, vz, color=sep_pa_color) if rv_time_series2 == True: if rv_time_series == False: # get list of rv instruments insts = np.unique(rv_data["instrument"]) if len(insts) == 0: insts = ["defrv"] # get gamma/sigma labels and corresponding positions in the posterior gams = ["gamma_" + inst for inst in insts] if isinstance(results.labels, list): labels = np.array(results.labels) else: labels = results.labels # get the indices corresponding to each gamma within results.labels gam_idx = [np.where(labels == inst_gamma)[0] for inst_gamma in gams] # indices corresponding to each instrument in the datafile inds = {} for i in range(len(insts)): inds[insts[i]] = np.where( rv_data["instrument"] == insts[i].encode() )[0] # choose the orbit with the best log probability best_like = np.where(results.lnlike == np.amax(results.lnlike))[0][0] med_ga = [[best_like, i] for i in gam_idx] # Get the posteriors for this index and convert to standard basis best_post = results.basis.to_standard_basis([best_like].copy() ) # Get the masses for the best posteriors: best_m0 = best_post[results.standard_param_idx["m0"]] best_m1 = best_post[ results.standard_param_idx["m{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] best_mtot = best_m0 + best_m1 # colour/shape scheme scheme for rv data points clrs = ("#0496FF", "#372554", "#FF1053", "#3A7CA5", "#143109") symbols = ("o", "^", "v", "s") ax3_colors = itertools.cycle(clrs) ax3_symbols = itertools.cycle(symbols) rv_data2 =[["object"] == 1] rv_data2 = rv_data2[rv_data2["quant_type"] == "rv"] # get list of rv2 instruments insts2 = np.unique(rv_data2["instrument"]) inds2 = {} for i in range(len(insts2)): inds2[insts2[i]] = np.where( rv_data2["instrument"] == insts2[i].encode() )[0] if rv_time_series == True: else: # get rvs and plot them for i, name in enumerate(inds2.keys()): inst_data2 = rv_data2[inds2[name]] rvs2 = inst_data2["quant1"] epochs2 = inst_data2["epoch"] epochs2 = Time(epochs2, format="mjd").decimalyear # don't include this so we can plot more orbits # rvs -= med_ga[i] # rvs -= best_post[results.param_idx[gams[i]]] plt.scatter( epochs2, rvs2, s=30, marker=next(ax3_symbols), c="blue", label=name.replace("_", " "), zorder=5, ) plt.errorbar( x=epochs2, y=rvs2, yerr=inst_data2["quant1_err"], ecolor="blue", zorder=5, ls="none", ) if len(inds.keys()) == 1 and "defrv" in inds.keys(): pass else: plt.legend(fontsize=20, loc=1) # add colorbar if show_colorbar: if (rv_time_series == True) or (rv_time_series2 == True): # Create an axes for colorbar. The position of the axes is calculated based on the position of ax. # You can change x1.0.05 to adjust the distance between the main image and the colorbar. # You can change 0.02 to adjust the width of the colorbar. cbar_ax = fig.add_axes( [ ax.get_position().x1 + 0.005, ax.get_position().y0, 0.02, ax.get_position().height, ] ) cbar = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase( cbar_ax, cmap=cmap, norm=norm_yr, orientation="vertical", label=cbar_param, ) cbar.set_label(label=cbar_param, size=20) else: # xpos, ypos, width, height, in fraction of figure size cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.47, 0.15, 0.015, 0.7]) cbar = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase( cbar_ax, cmap=cmap, norm=norm_yr, orientation="vertical", label=cbar_param, ) cbar.set_label(label=cbar_param, size=20) # hard code custom things # ax2.set_xlim(2000, 2025) # if rv_time_series: # ax3.set_xlim(1995, 2025) # if rv_time_series2: # ax4.set_xlim(1995, 2025) ax1.locator_params(axis="x", nbins=6) ax1.locator_params(axis="y", nbins=6) ax2.locator_params(axis="x", nbins=6) ax2.locator_params(axis="y", nbins=6) for ax1 in fig.get_axes(): ax1.tick_params(axis="both", labelsize=15) ax1.minorticks_on() for ax2 in fig.get_axes(): ax2.tick_params(axis="both", labelsize=15) ax2.minorticks_on() fig.tight_layout() # if (rv_time_series == True) and (rv_time_series2 == True): # return fig, ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4 # elif (rv_time_series == True) and (rv_time_series2 == False): # return fig, ax1, ax2, ax3 # elif (rv_time_series == False) and (rv_time_series2 == True): # return fig, ax1, ax2, ax3 # else: # return fig, ax1, ax2 return fig
[docs]def plot_residuals( my_results, object_to_plot=1, start_mjd=51544, num_orbits_to_plot=100, num_epochs_to_plot=100, sep_pa_color="lightgrey", sep_pa_end_year=2025.0, cbar_param="Epoch [year]", mod180=False, ): """ Plots sep/PA residuals for a set of orbits Args: my_results (orbitiez.results.Results): results to plot object_to_plot (int): which object to plot (default: 1) start_mjd (float): MJD in which to start plotting orbits (default: 51544, the year 2000) num_orbits_to_plot (int): number of orbits to plot (default: 100) num_epochs_to_plot (int): number of points to plot per orbit (default: 100) sep_pa_color (string): any valid matplotlib color string, used to set the color of the orbit tracks in the Sep/PA panels (default: 'lightgrey'). sep_pa_end_year (float): decimal year specifying when to stop plotting orbit tracks in the Sep/PA panels (default: 2025.0). cbar_param (string): options are the following: 'Epoch [year]', 'sma1', 'ecc1', 'inc1', 'aop1', 'pan1', 'tau1', 'plx. Number can be switched out. Default is Epoch [year]. mod180 (Bool): if True, PA will be plotted in range [180, 540]. Useful for plotting short arcs with PAs that cross 360 deg during observations (default: False) Return: ``matplotlib.pyplot.Figure``: the residual plots """ data =[["object"] == object_to_plot] possible_cbar_params = ["sma", "ecc", "inc", "aop" "pan", "tau", "plx"] num_orbits = len([:, 0]) if num_orbits_to_plot > num_orbits: num_orbits_to_plot = num_orbits choose = np.random.randint(0, high=num_orbits, size=num_orbits_to_plot) standard_post = [] if my_results.sampler_name == "MCMC": # Convert the randomly chosen posteriors to standard keplerian set for i in np.arange(num_orbits_to_plot): orb_ind = choose[i] param_set = np.copy([orb_ind]) standard_post.append(my_results.basis.to_standard_basis(param_set)) else: # For OFTI, posteriors are already converted for i in np.arange(num_orbits_to_plot): orb_ind = choose[i] standard_post.append([orb_ind]) standard_post = np.array(standard_post) sma = standard_post[ :, my_results.standard_param_idx["sma{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] ecc = standard_post[ :, my_results.standard_param_idx["ecc{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] inc = standard_post[ :, my_results.standard_param_idx["inc{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] aop = standard_post[ :, my_results.standard_param_idx["aop{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] pan = standard_post[ :, my_results.standard_param_idx["pan{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] tau = standard_post[ :, my_results.standard_param_idx["tau{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] plx = standard_post[:, my_results.standard_param_idx["plx"]] if "mtot" in my_results.labels: mtot = standard_post[:, my_results.standard_param_idx["mtot"]] elif "m0" in my_results.labels: m0 = standard_post[:, my_results.standard_param_idx["m0"]] m1 = standard_post[ :, my_results.standard_param_idx["m{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] mtot = m0 + m1 raoff = np.zeros((num_orbits_to_plot, num_epochs_to_plot)) deoff = np.zeros((num_orbits_to_plot, num_epochs_to_plot)) vz_star = np.zeros((num_orbits_to_plot, num_epochs_to_plot)) epochs = np.zeros((num_orbits_to_plot, num_epochs_to_plot)) for i in np.arange(num_orbits_to_plot): # Compute period (from Kepler's third law) period = np.sqrt( 4 * np.pi**2.0 * (sma * u.AU) ** 3 / (consts.G * (mtot * u.Msun)) ) period = # Create an epochs array to plot num_epochs_to_plot points over one orbital period epochs[i, :] = np.linspace( Time(start_mjd, format="mjd").mjd, float(Time(start_mjd, format="mjd").mjd + period[i]), num_epochs_to_plot, ) # Calculate ra/dec offsets for all epochs of this orbit raoff0, deoff0, _ = kepler.calc_orbit( epochs[i, :], sma[i], ecc[i], inc[i], aop[i], pan[i], tau[i], plx[i], mtot[i], tau_ref_epoch=my_results.tau_ref_epoch, ) raoff[i, :] = raoff0 deoff[i, :] = deoff0 astr_inds = np.where((~np.isnan(data["quant1"])) & (~np.isnan(data["quant2"]))) astr_epochs = data["epoch"][astr_inds] radec_inds = np.where(data["quant_type"] == "radec") seppa_inds = np.where(data["quant_type"] == "seppa") # transform RA/Dec points to Sep/PA sep_data = np.copy(data["quant1"]) sep_err = np.copy(data["quant1_err"]) pa_data = np.copy(data["quant2"]) pa_err = np.copy(data["quant2_err"]) if len(radec_inds[0] > 0): sep_from_ra_data, pa_from_dec_data = orbitize.system.radec2seppa( data["quant1"][radec_inds], data["quant2"][radec_inds] ) num_radec_pts = len(radec_inds[0]) sep_err_from_ra_data = np.empty(num_radec_pts) pa_err_from_dec_data = np.empty(num_radec_pts) for j in np.arange(num_radec_pts): sep_err_from_ra_data[j], pa_err_from_dec_data[j], _ = ( orbitize.system.transform_errors( np.array(data["quant1"][radec_inds][j]), np.array(data["quant2"][radec_inds][j]), np.array(data["quant1_err"][radec_inds][j]), np.array(data["quant2_err"][radec_inds][j]), np.array(data["quant12_corr"][radec_inds][j]), orbitize.system.radec2seppa, ) ) sep_data[radec_inds] = sep_from_ra_data sep_err[radec_inds] = sep_err_from_ra_data pa_data[radec_inds] = pa_from_dec_data pa_err[radec_inds] = pa_err_from_dec_data # Transform Sep/PA points to RA/Dec ra_data = np.copy(data["quant1"]) ra_err = np.copy(data["quant1_err"]) dec_data = np.copy(data["quant2"]) dec_err = np.copy(data["quant2_err"]) if len(seppa_inds[0] > 0): ra_from_seppa_data, dec_from_seppa_data = orbitize.system.seppa2radec( data["quant1"][seppa_inds], data["quant2"][seppa_inds] ) num_seppa_pts = len(seppa_inds[0]) ra_err_from_seppa_data = np.empty(num_seppa_pts) dec_err_from_seppa_data = np.empty(num_seppa_pts) for j in np.arange(num_seppa_pts): ra_err_from_seppa_data[j], dec_err_from_seppa_data[j], _ = ( orbitize.system.transform_errors( np.array(data["quant1"][seppa_inds][j]), np.array(data["quant2"][seppa_inds][j]), np.array(data["quant1_err"][seppa_inds][j]), np.array(data["quant2_err"][seppa_inds][j]), np.array(data["quant12_corr"][seppa_inds][j]), orbitize.system.seppa2radec, ) ) ra_data[seppa_inds] = ra_from_seppa_data ra_err[seppa_inds] = ra_err_from_seppa_data dec_data[seppa_inds] = dec_from_seppa_data dec_err[seppa_inds] = dec_err_from_seppa_data epochs_seppa = np.zeros((num_orbits_to_plot, num_epochs_to_plot)) raoff = [] deoff = [] seps = [] pas = [] raoff_100 = [] deoff_100 = [] seps_100 = [] pas_100 = [] for i in np.arange(num_orbits_to_plot): epochs_seppa[i, :] = np.linspace( Time(start_mjd, format="mjd").mjd, Time(sep_pa_end_year, format="decimalyear").mjd, num_epochs_to_plot, ) raoff0, deoff0, _ = kepler.calc_orbit( astr_epochs, sma[i], ecc[i], inc[i], aop[i], pan[i], tau[i], plx[i], mtot[i], tau_ref_epoch=my_results.tau_ref_epoch, ) raoff2, deoff2, _ = kepler.calc_orbit( epochs_seppa[0], sma[i], ecc[i], inc[i], aop[i], pan[i], tau[i], plx[i], mtot[i], tau_ref_epoch=my_results.tau_ref_epoch, ) raoff.append(raoff0) deoff.append(deoff0) raoff_100.append(raoff2) deoff_100.append(deoff2) seps1, pas1 = orbitize.system.radec2seppa(raoff0, deoff0, mod180=mod180) # seps1 = [] # pas1 = [] # for j in range(len(astr_epochs)): # seps0, pas0 = orbitize.system.radec2seppa(raoff[i][j], deoff[i][j], mod180=mod180) # seps1.append(seps0) # pas1.append(pas0) seps.append(seps1) pas.append(pas1) seps2, pas2 = orbitize.system.radec2seppa(raoff2, deoff2, mod180=mod180) # seps2 = [] # pas2 = [] # for j in range(len(epochs_seppa[0])): # seps0_100, pas0_100 = orbitize.system.radec2seppa(raoff_100[i][j], deoff_100[i][j], mod180=mod180) # seps2.append(seps0_100) # pas2.append(pas0_100) seps_100.append(seps2) pas_100.append(pas2) yr_epochs = Time(astr_epochs, format="mjd").decimalyear yr_epochs2 = Time(epochs_seppa[i, :], format="mjd").decimalyear seps = np.array(seps) pas = np.array(pas) seps_100 = np.array(seps_100) pas_100 = np.array(pas_100) median_seps = [] median_pas = [] median_seps_100 = [] median_pas_100 = [] seps_T = np.transpose(seps) pas_T = np.transpose(pas) seps_100_T = np.transpose(seps_100) pas_100_T = np.transpose(pas_100) for j in range(len(epochs_seppa[0])): median_seps2 = np.median(seps_100_T[j]) median_pas2 = np.median(pas_100_T[j]) median_seps_100.append(median_seps2) median_pas_100.append(median_pas2) for j in range(len(astr_epochs)): median_seps1 = np.median(seps_T[j]) median_pas1 = np.median(pas_T[j]) median_seps.append(median_seps1) median_pas.append(median_pas1) orbits_to_plot = np.linspace(0, num_orbits_to_plot - 1, 100) residual_seps = median_seps - sep_data residual_pas = median_pas - pa_data fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 4)) axes[0].errorbar( yr_epochs, residual_seps, yerr=sep_err, xerr=None, fmt="o", ms=5, linestyle="", c="purple", zorder=10, capsize=2, ) for i in range(len(orbits_to_plot)): residual_seps_100 = median_seps_100 - seps_100[int(orbits_to_plot[i])] axes[0].plot(yr_epochs2, residual_seps_100, color=sep_pa_color, zorder=1) axes[0].axhline(y=0, color="black", linestyle="-") axes[0].set_ylabel("Residual $\\rho$ [mas]") axes[0].set_xlabel("Epoch") axes[0].set_xlim(yr_epochs2[0], yr_epochs2[-1]) axes[1].errorbar( yr_epochs, residual_pas, yerr=pa_err, xerr=None, fmt="o", ms=5, linestyle="", c="purple", zorder=10, capsize=2, ) for i in range(len(orbits_to_plot)): residual_pas_100 = median_pas_100 - pas_100[int(orbits_to_plot[i])] axes[1].plot(yr_epochs2, residual_pas_100, color=sep_pa_color, zorder=1) axes[1].axhline(y=0, color="black", linestyle="-") axes[1].set_ylabel("Residual PA [$^{{\\circ}}$]") axes[1].set_xlabel("Epoch") axes[1].set_xlim(yr_epochs2[0], yr_epochs2[-1]) plt.tight_layout()
[docs]def plot_propermotion( results, system, object_to_plot=1, start_mjd=44239.0, periods_to_plot=1, end_year=2030.0, alpha=0.05, num_orbits_to_plot=100, num_epochs_to_plot=100, show_colorbar=True, cmap=cmap, cbar_param=None, tight_layout=False, # fig=None ): """ Plots the proper motion of a host star as induced by a companion for one orbital period for a select number of fitted orbits for a given object, with line segments colored according to a given parameter (most informative is usually mass of companion) Important Note: These plotted trajectories aren't what are fitting in the likelihood evaluation for the HGCA runs. The implementation forward models the Hip/Gaia measurements per epoch and infers the differential proper motions. This plot is given only for the purposes of an approximate visualization. Args: system (object): orbitize.system object with a HGCALogProb passed to system.gaia object_to_plot (int): which object to plot (default: 1) start_mjd (float): MJD in which to start plotting orbits (default: 51544, the year 2000) periods_to_plot (int): number of periods to plot (default: 1) end_year (float): decimal year specifying when to stop plotting orbit tracks in the Sep/PA panels (default: 2025.0). alpha (float): transparency of lines (default: 0.05) num_orbits_to_plot (int): number of orbits to plot (default: 100) num_epochs_to_plot (int): number of points to plot per orbit (default: 100) show_colorbar (Boolean): Displays colorbar to the right of the plot [True] cmap ( color map to use for making orbit tracks (default: modified Purples_r) cbar_param (string): options are the following: 'sma1', 'ecc1', 'inc1', 'aop1', 'pan1', 'tau1', 'plx', 'm0', 'm1', etc. Number can be switched out. Default is None. tight_layout (bool): apply plt.tight_layout function? fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure): optionally include a predefined Figure object to plot the orbit on. Most users will not need this keyword. Return: ``matplotlib.pyplot.Figure``: the orbit plot if input is valid, ``None`` otherwise (written): William Balmer (2023), based on plot_orbits by Sarah Blunt and Henry Ngo """ if Time(start_mjd, format="mjd").decimalyear >= end_year: raise ValueError( "start_mjd keyword date must be less than end_year keyword date." ) if object_to_plot > results.num_secondary_bodies: raise ValueError( "Only {0} secondary bodies being fit. Requested to plot body {1} which is out of range".format( results.num_secondary_bodies, object_to_plot ) ) if object_to_plot == 0: raise ValueError( "Plotting the primary's orbit is currently unsupported. Stay tuned." ) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", ErfaWarning) data =[["object"] == object_to_plot] possible_cbar_params = [ "sma", "ecc", "inc", "aop" "pan", "tau", "plx", "m0", "m1", ] if cbar_param is None: pass elif cbar_param[0:3] in possible_cbar_params: index = results.param_idx[cbar_param] else: raise Exception( "Invalid input; acceptable inputs include 'Epoch [year]', 'plx', 'sma1', 'ecc1', 'inc1', 'aop1', 'pan1', 'tau1', 'sma2', 'ecc2', ...)" ) # Select random indices for plotted orbit num_orbits = len([:, 0]) if num_orbits_to_plot > num_orbits: num_orbits_to_plot = num_orbits choose = np.random.randint(0, high=num_orbits, size=num_orbits_to_plot) # Get posteriors from random indices standard_post = [] if results.sampler_name == "MCMC": # Convert the randomly chosen posteriors to standard keplerian set for i in np.arange(num_orbits_to_plot): orb_ind = choose[i] param_set = np.copy([orb_ind]) standard_post.append(results.basis.to_standard_basis(param_set)) else: # For OFTI, posteriors are already converted for i in np.arange(num_orbits_to_plot): orb_ind = choose[i] standard_post.append([orb_ind]) standard_post = np.array(standard_post) sma = standard_post[ :, results.standard_param_idx["sma{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] ecc = standard_post[ :, results.standard_param_idx["ecc{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] inc = standard_post[ :, results.standard_param_idx["inc{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] aop = standard_post[ :, results.standard_param_idx["aop{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] pan = standard_post[ :, results.standard_param_idx["pan{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] tau = standard_post[ :, results.standard_param_idx["tau{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] plx = standard_post[:, results.standard_param_idx["plx"]] # Then, get the other parameters if "mtot" in results.labels: mtot = standard_post[:, results.standard_param_idx["mtot"]] elif "m0" in results.labels: m0 = standard_post[:, results.standard_param_idx["m0"]] m1 = standard_post[ :, results.standard_param_idx["m{}".format(object_to_plot)] ] mtot = m0 + m1 raoff = np.zeros((num_orbits_to_plot, num_epochs_to_plot)) deoff = np.zeros((num_orbits_to_plot, num_epochs_to_plot)) vz_star = np.zeros((num_orbits_to_plot, num_epochs_to_plot)) epochs = np.zeros((num_orbits_to_plot, num_epochs_to_plot)) # Loop through each orbit to plot and calcualte ra/dec offsets for all points in orbit # Need this loops since epochs[] vary for each orbit, unless we want to just plot the same time period for all orbits for i in np.arange(num_orbits_to_plot): # Compute period (from Kepler's third law) period = np.sqrt( 4 * np.pi**2.0 * (sma * u.AU) ** 3 / (consts.G * (mtot * u.Msun)) ) period = # Create an epochs array to plot num_epochs_to_plot points over one orbital period epochs[i, :] = np.linspace( start_mjd, float(start_mjd + (period[i] * periods_to_plot)), num_epochs_to_plot, ) # Calculate ra/dec offsets for all epochs of this orbit raoff0, deoff0, _ = kepler.calc_orbit( epochs[i, :], sma[i], ecc[i], inc[i], aop[i], pan[i], tau[i], plx[i], mtot[i], tau_ref_epoch=results.tau_ref_epoch, ) raoff[i, :] = raoff0 deoff[i, :] = deoff0 # Create a linearly increasing colormap for our range of epochs if cbar_param is not None: cbar_param_arr =[:, index] norm = mpl.colors.Normalize( vmin=np.min(cbar_param_arr), vmax=np.max(cbar_param_arr) ) elif cbar_param is None: norm = mpl.colors.Normalize() # Create figure for orbit plots fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 4), facecolor="white") # Plot each orbit (each segment between two points coloured using colormap) for i in np.arange(num_orbits_to_plot): epoch_in_yr = Time(epochs[i, :], format="mjd").decimalyear # masses (in same units, solar) m_b = standard_post[:, results.param_idx["m1"]][i] m_a = standard_post[:, results.param_idx["m0"]][i] # dt timestep = epoch_in_yr[1] - epoch_in_yr[0] # dra/dt and ddec/dt ddec_b = np.gradient(deoff[i, :], timestep) # in mas/yr dec_b_radian = ( deoff[i, :] * (2.7777778e-7) * (0.017453293) ) # mas -> deg -> radian ra_b = raoff[i, :] rastar_b = ra_b * np.cos(dec_b_radian) # in mas drastar_b = np.gradient(rastar_b, timestep) # in mas/yr # convert to dRA^star_star (lol) and dDec_star mass_ratio_ = -1 * m_b / (m_a + m_b) ddec_a = ddec_b * mass_ratio_ drastar_a = drastar_b * mass_ratio_ if cbar_param is not None: color = cmap(norm(standard_post[:, results.param_idx[cbar_param]][i])) else: color = "k" axs[0].plot( epoch_in_yr, drastar_a + system.gaia.hg_pm[0], color=color, alpha=alpha, zorder=0, ) axs[1].plot( epoch_in_yr, ddec_a + system.gaia.hg_pm[1], color=color, alpha=alpha, zorder=0, ) axs[0].set_xlim(1980, 2030) axs[0].yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter("%.1f")) axs[1].set_xlabel("Epoch") axs[0].set_ylabel(r"$\mu_\alpha^*$ [mas/yr]") axs[0].errorbar( np.nanmedian(system.gaia.hipparcos_epoch), system.gaia.hip_pm[0], yerr=system.gaia.hip_pm_err[0], zorder=30, mec="k", fmt="s", color="cornflowerblue", ) hgca_epoch = ( system.gaia.gaia_epoch_ra + np.nanmedian(system.gaia.hipparcos_epoch) ) / 2 hgca_epoch_err = ( system.gaia.gaia_epoch_ra - np.nanmedian(system.gaia.hipparcos_epoch) ) / 2 axs[0].errorbar( hgca_epoch, system.gaia.hg_pm[0], xerr=hgca_epoch_err, yerr=system.gaia.hg_pm_err[0], zorder=30, mec="k", fmt="^", color="#6280D6", ) axs[0].errorbar( system.gaia.gaia_epoch_ra, system.gaia.gaia_pm[0], yerr=system.gaia.gaia_pm_err[0], zorder=30, mec="k", fmt="o", color="#5f61b4", ) axs[1].set_xlim(1980, 2030) axs[1].yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter("%.1f")) axs[1].errorbar( np.nanmedian(system.gaia.hipparcos_epoch), system.gaia.hip_pm[1], yerr=system.gaia.hip_pm_err[1], zorder=30, mec="k", fmt="s", color="cornflowerblue", label="Hip.", ) axs[1].errorbar( hgca_epoch, system.gaia.hg_pm[1], xerr=hgca_epoch_err, yerr=system.gaia.hg_pm_err[1], zorder=30, mec="k", fmt="^", color="#6280D6", label="H-G", ) axs[1].errorbar( system.gaia.gaia_epoch_ra, system.gaia.gaia_pm[1], yerr=system.gaia.gaia_pm_err[1], zorder=30, mec="k", fmt="o", color="#5f61b4", label="Gaia", ) axs[1].set_ylabel(r"$\mu_\delta$ [mas/yr]") axs[1].set_xlabel("Epoch") axs[0].set_xlabel("Epoch") cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([1.03, 0.15, 0.03, 0.80]) cbar = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase( cbar_ax, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, orientation="vertical", label=cbar_param ) axs[0].set_rasterization_zorder(1) axs[1].set_rasterization_zorder(1) axs[1].legend() print( "Important Note of Caution: the orbitize! implementation of the HGCA \n", "fits for the time-averaged proper motions, and not the instantaneous proper \n", "motions that are being plotted here. This plot is provided only for the \n", "purpose of an approximate check on the fit.", ) if tight_layout: plt.tight_layout() return fig