Source code for orbitize.hipparcos

import numpy as np
from import ascii
import pandas as pd
import emcee
from scipy.stats import norm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h5py

from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.coordinates import get_body_barycentric_posvel
from astroquery.vizier import Vizier

[docs]class PMPlx_Motion(object): """ Class to compute the predicted position at an array of epochs given a parallax and proper motion model (NO orbital motion is added in this class). Args: times_mjd (np.array of float): times (in mjd) at which we have absolute astrometric measurements alpha0 (float): measured RA position (in degrees) of the object at alphadec0_epoch (see below). delta0 (float): measured Dec position (in degrees) of the object at alphadec0_epoch (see below). alphadec0_epoch (float): a (fixed) reference time. For stars with Hipparcos data, this should generally be 1991.25, but you can define it however you want. Absolute astrometric data (passed in via an orbitize! data table) should be defined as offsets from the reported position of the object at this epoch (with propagated uncertainties). For example, if you have two absolute astrometric measurements taken with GRAVITY, as well as a Hipparcos-derived position (at epoch 1991.25), alphadec0_epoch should be 1991.25, and you should pass in absolute astrometry in terms of mas *offset* from the Hipparcos catalog position, with propagated errors of your measurement and the Hipparcos measurement. """ def __init__(self, epochs_mjd, alpha0, delta0, alphadec0_epoch=1991.25): self.epochs_mjd = epochs_mjd self.alphadec0_epoch = alphadec0_epoch self.alpha0 = alpha0 self.delta0 = delta0 epochs = Time(epochs_mjd, format="mjd") self.epochs = epochs.decimalyear # compute Earth XYZ position in barycentric coordinates bary_pos, _ = get_body_barycentric_posvel("earth", epochs) self.X = bary_pos.x.value # [au] self.Y = bary_pos.y.value # [au] self.Z = bary_pos.z.value # [au]
[docs] def compute_astrometric_model(self, samples, param_idx, epochs=None): """ Compute the astrometric prediction at self.epochs_mjd from parallax and proper motion alone, given an array of model parameters (no orbital motion is added here). Args: samples (np.array of float): Length R array of fitting parameters, where R is the number of parameters being fit. Must be in the same order documented in ``System``. param_idx: a dictionary matching fitting parameter labels to their indices in an array of fitting parameters (generally set to System.basis.param_idx). epochs: if None, use self.epochs for astrometric predictions. Otherwise, use this array passed in [in decimalyear]. Returns: tuple of: - float: predicted RA*cos(delta0) position offsets from the measured position at alphadec0_epoch, calculated for each input epoch [mas] - float: predicted Dec position offsets from the measured position at alphadec0_epoch, calculated for each input epoch [mas] """ # variables for each of the astrometric fitting parameters plx = samples[param_idx["plx"]] pm_ra = samples[param_idx["pm_ra"]] pm_dec = samples[param_idx["pm_dec"]] alpha_H0 = samples[param_idx["alpha0"]] delta_H0 = samples[param_idx["delta0"]] if epochs is None: epochs = self.epochs X = self.X Y = self.Y Z = self.Z else: # compute Earth XYZ position in barycentric coordinates bary_pos, _ = get_body_barycentric_posvel( "earth", Time(epochs, format="decimalyear") ) X = bary_pos.x.value # [au] Y = bary_pos.y.value # [au] Z = bary_pos.z.value # [au] n_epochs = len(epochs) alpha_C_st_array = np.empty(n_epochs) delta_C_array = np.empty(n_epochs) # add parallactic ellipse & proper motion to position (Nielsen+ 2020 Eq 8) for i in np.arange(n_epochs): # this is the expected offset from the photocenter in alphadec0_epoch alpha_C_st_array[i] = ( alpha_H0 + plx * ( X[i] * np.sin(np.radians(self.alpha0)) - Y[i] * np.cos(np.radians(self.alpha0)) ) + (epochs[i] - self.alphadec0_epoch) * pm_ra ) delta_C_array[i] = ( delta_H0 + plx * ( X[i] * np.cos(np.radians(self.alpha0)) * np.sin(np.radians(self.delta0)) + Y[i] * np.sin(np.radians(self.alpha0)) * np.sin(np.radians(self.delta0)) - Z[i] * np.cos(np.radians(self.delta0)) ) + (epochs[i] - self.alphadec0_epoch) * pm_dec ) return alpha_C_st_array, delta_C_array
[docs]class HipparcosLogProb(object): """ Class to compute the log probability of an orbit with respect to the Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data (IAD). If using a DVD file, queries Vizier for all metadata relevant to the IAD, and reads in the IAD themselves from a specified location. Follows Nielsen+ 2020 (studying the orbit of beta Pic b). Fitting the Hipparcos IAD requires fitting for the following five parameters. They are added to the vector of fitting parameters in, but are described here for completeness. See Nielsen+ 2020 for more detail. - alpha0: RA offset from the reported Hipparcos position at a particular epoch (usually 1991.25) [mas] - delta0: Dec offset from the reported Hipparcos position at a particular epoch (usually 1991.25) [mas] - pm_ra: RA proper motion [mas/yr] - pm_dec: Dec proper motion [mas/yr] - plx: parallax [mas] .. Note:: In orbitize, it is possible to perform a fit to just the Hipparcos IAD, but not to just the Gaia astrometric data. Args: path_to_iad_file (str): location of IAD file to be used in your fit. See the Hipparcos tutorial for a walkthrough of how to download these files. hip_num (str): Hipparcos ID of star. Available on Simbad. Should have zeros in the prefix if number is <100,000. (i.e. 27321 should be passed in as '027321'). num_secondary_bodies (int): number of companions in the system alphadec0_epoch (float): epoch (in decimal year) that the fitting parameters alpha0 and delta0 are defined relative to (see above). renormalize_errors (bool): if True, normalize the scan errors to get chisq_red = 1, following Nielsen+ 2020 (eq 10). In general, this should be False, but it's helpful for testing. Check out `orbitize.hipparcos.nielsen_iad_refitting_test()` for an example using this renormalization. Written: Sarah Blunt & Rob de Rosa, 2021 """ def __init__( self, path_to_iad_file, hip_num, num_secondary_bodies, alphadec0_epoch=1991.25, renormalize_errors=False, ): self.path_to_iad_file = path_to_iad_file self.renormalize_errors = renormalize_errors # infer if the IAD file is an older DVD file or a new file with open(path_to_iad_file, "r") as f: first_char = f.readline()[0] # newer format files don't start with comments if first_char == "#": dvd_file = False else: dvd_file = True self.hip_num = hip_num self.num_secondary_bodies = num_secondary_bodies self.alphadec0_epoch = alphadec0_epoch # dvd files don't contain the Hipparcos astrometric solution, so # we need to look it up if dvd_file: # load best-fit astrometric solution from Sep 08 van Leeuwen catalog # ( Vizier.ROW_LIMIT = -1 hip_cat = Vizier( catalog="I/311/hip2", columns=[ "RArad", "e_RArad", "DErad", "e_DErad", "Plx", "e_Plx", "pmRA", "e_pmRA", "pmDE", "e_pmDE", "F2", "Sn", "var", ], ).query_constraints(HIP=self.hip_num)[0] self.plx0 = hip_cat["Plx"][0] # [mas] self.pm_ra0 = hip_cat["pmRA"][0] # [mas/yr] self.pm_dec0 = hip_cat["pmDE"][0] # [mas/yr] self.alpha0 = hip_cat["RArad"][0] # [deg] self.delta0 = hip_cat["DErad"][0] # [deg] self.plx0_err = hip_cat["e_Plx"][0] # [mas] self.pm_ra0_err = hip_cat["e_pmRA"][0] # [mas/yr] self.pm_dec0_err = hip_cat["e_pmDE"][0] # [mas/yr] self.alpha0_err = hip_cat["e_RArad"][0] # [mas] self.delta0_err = hip_cat["e_DErad"][0] # [mas] self.solution_type = hip_cat["Sn"][0] f2 = hip_cat["F2"][0] if self.solution_type == 1: self.var = hip_cat["var"][0] # [mas] else: self.var = 0 else: # read the Hipparcos best-fit solution from the IAD file astrometric_solution = pd.read_csv( path_to_iad_file, skiprows=9, sep="\s+", nrows=1 ) self.plx0 = astrometric_solution["Plx"].values[0] # [mas] self.pm_ra0 = astrometric_solution["pm_RA"].values[0] # [mas/yr] self.pm_dec0 = astrometric_solution["pm_DE"].values[0] # [mas/yr] self.alpha0 = astrometric_solution["RAdeg"].values[0] # [deg] self.delta0 = astrometric_solution["DEdeg"].values[0] # [deg] self.plx0_err = astrometric_solution["e_Plx"].values[0] # [mas] self.pm_ra0_err = astrometric_solution["e_pmRA"].values[0] # [mas/yr] self.pm_dec0_err = astrometric_solution["e_pmDE"].values[0] # [mas/yr] self.alpha0_err = astrometric_solution["e_RA"].values[0] # [mas] self.delta0_err = astrometric_solution["e_DE"].values[0] # [mas] solution_details = pd.read_csv( path_to_iad_file, skiprows=5, sep="\s+", nrows=1 ) self.solution_type = solution_details["isol_n"].values[0] if self.solution_type == 1: self.var = astrometric_solution["var"].values[0] else: self.var = 0 f2 = solution_details["F2"].values[0] # sol types: 1 = "stochastic solution", which has a 5-param fit but # there were significant residuals. 5 = standard 5-param fit. if self.solution_type not in [1, 5]: raise ValueError( """ Currently, we only handle stars with solution types 1 and 5. Your star has type {}. Let us know if you want us to add another solution type! """.format( self.solution_type ) ) # read in IAD if dvd_file: iad = np.transpose(np.loadtxt(path_to_iad_file, skiprows=1)) else: iad = np.transpose(np.loadtxt(path_to_iad_file)) n_lines = len(iad) times = iad[1] + 1991.25 self.cos_phi = iad[3] # scan direction self.sin_phi = iad[4] self.R = iad[5] # abscissa residual [mas] self.eps = iad[6] # error on abscissa residual [mas] # reject negative errors (scans that were rejected by Hipparcos team) good_scans = np.where(self.eps > 0)[0] if n_lines - len(good_scans) > 0: print("{} Hipparcos scans rejected.".format(n_lines - len(good_scans))) times = times[good_scans] self.cos_phi = self.cos_phi[good_scans] self.sin_phi = self.sin_phi[good_scans] self.R = self.R[good_scans] self.eps = self.eps[good_scans] # if the star has a type 1 (stochastic) solution, we need to undo the addition of a jitter term in quadrature self.eps = np.sqrt(self.eps**2 - self.var**2) epochs = Time(times, format="decimalyear") self.epochs = epochs.decimalyear self.epochs_mjd = epochs.mjd self.hipparcos_plxpm_predictor = PMPlx_Motion( self.epochs_mjd, self.alpha0, self.delta0, alphadec0_epoch=self.alphadec0_epoch, ) if self.renormalize_errors: D = len(epochs) - 6 G = f2 f = (G * np.sqrt(2 / (9 * D)) + 1 - (2 / (9 * D))) ** (3 / 2) self.eps *= f # also add back in the var term for type 1 solutions self.eps = np.sqrt(self.eps**2 + self.var**2) # reconstruct ephemeris of star given van Leeuwen best-fit (Nielsen+ 2020 Eqs 1-2) [mas] changein_alpha_st = ( self.plx0 * ( self.hipparcos_plxpm_predictor.X * np.sin(np.radians(self.alpha0)) - self.hipparcos_plxpm_predictor.Y * np.cos(np.radians(self.alpha0)) ) + (self.epochs - 1991.25) * self.pm_ra0 ) changein_delta = ( self.plx0 * ( self.hipparcos_plxpm_predictor.X * np.cos(np.radians(self.alpha0)) * np.sin(np.radians(self.delta0)) + self.hipparcos_plxpm_predictor.Y * np.sin(np.radians(self.alpha0)) * np.sin(np.radians(self.delta0)) - self.hipparcos_plxpm_predictor.Z * np.cos(np.radians(self.delta0)) ) + (self.epochs - 1991.25) * self.pm_dec0 ) # compute abcissa point (Nielsen+ Eq 3) self.alpha_abs_st = self.R * self.cos_phi + changein_alpha_st self.delta_abs = self.R * self.sin_phi + changein_delta def _save(self, hf): """ Saves the current object to an hdf5 file Args: hf (h5py._hl.files.File): a currently open hdf5 file in which to save the object. """ with open(self.path_to_iad_file, "r") as f: iad_data = np.array(f.readlines(), h5py.string_dtype(encoding="UTF-8")) hf.create_dataset( "IAD_datafile", data=iad_data, dtype=h5py.string_dtype(encoding="UTF-8") ) hf.attrs["hip_num"] = self.hip_num hf.attrs["alphadec0_epoch"] = self.alphadec0_epoch hf.attrs["renormalize_errors"] = self.renormalize_errors
[docs] def compute_lnlike(self, raoff_model, deoff_model, samples, param_idx): """ Computes the log likelihood of an orbit model with respect to the Hipparcos IAD. This is added to the likelihoods calculated with respect to other data types in ``sampler._logl()``. Args: raoff_model (np.array of float): M-dimensional array of primary RA offsets from the barycenter incurred from orbital motion of companions (i.e. not from parallactic motion), where M is the number of epochs of IAD scan data. deoff_model (np.array of float): M-dimensional array of primary RA offsets from the barycenter incurred from orbital motion of companions (i.e. not from parallactic motion), where M is the number of epochs of IAD scan data. samples (np.array of float): R-dimensional array of fitting parameters, where R is the number of parameters being fit. Must be in the same order documented in ``System``. param_idx: a dictionary matching fitting parameter labels to their indices in an array of fitting parameters (generally set to System.basis.param_idx). Returns: np.array of float: array of length M, where M is the number of input orbits, representing the log likelihood of each orbit with respect to the Hipparcos IAD. """ try: n_samples = len(samples[0]) except TypeError: n_samples = 1 n_epochs = len(self.epochs) dist = np.empty((n_epochs, n_samples)) ( alpha_C_st_array, delta_C_array, ) = self.hipparcos_plxpm_predictor.compute_astrometric_model(samples, param_idx) for i in np.arange(n_epochs): # add in pre-computed secondary perturbations alpha_C_st = alpha_C_st_array[i] + raoff_model[i] delta_C = delta_C_array[i] + deoff_model[i] # calculate distance between line and expected measurement (Nielsen+ 2020 Eq 6) [mas] dist[i, :] = np.abs( (self.alpha_abs_st[i] - alpha_C_st) * self.cos_phi[i] + (self.delta_abs[i] - delta_C) * self.sin_phi[i] ) # compute chi2 (Nielsen+ 2020 Eq 7) chi2 = np.sum( [(dist[:, i] / self.eps) ** 2 for i in np.arange(n_samples)], axis=1, ) lnlike = -0.5 * chi2 return lnlike
[docs]def nielsen_iad_refitting_test( iad_file, hip_num="027321", saveplot="bPic_IADrefit.png", burn_steps=100, mcmc_steps=5000, ): """ Reproduce the IAD refitting test from Nielsen+ 2020 (end of Section 3.1). The default MCMC parameters are what you'd want to run before using the IAD for a new system. This fit uses 100 walkers. Args: iad_loc (str): path to the IAD file. hip_num (str): Hipparcos ID of star. Available on Simbad. Should have zeros in the prefix if number is <100,000. (i.e. 27321 should be passed in as '027321'). saveplot (str): what to save the summary plot as. If None, don't make a plot burn_steps (int): number of MCMC burn-in steps to run. mcmc_steps (int): number of MCMC production steps to run. Returns: tuple: numpy.array of float: n_steps x 5 array of posterior samples orbitize.hipparcos.HipparcosLogProb: the object storing relevant metadata for the performed Hipparcos IAD fit """ num_secondary_bodies = 0 myHipLogProb = HipparcosLogProb( iad_file, hip_num, num_secondary_bodies, renormalize_errors=True ) n_epochs = len(myHipLogProb.epochs) param_idx = {"plx": 0, "pm_ra": 1, "pm_dec": 2, "alpha0": 3, "delta0": 4} def log_prob(model_pars): ra_model = np.zeros(n_epochs) dec_model = np.zeros(n_epochs) lnlike = myHipLogProb.compute_lnlike(ra_model, dec_model, model_pars, param_idx) return lnlike ndim, nwalkers = len(param_idx.keys()), 100 # initialize walkers # (fitting plx, mu_a, mu_d, alpha_H0, delta_H0) p0 = np.random.randn(nwalkers, ndim) # plx p0[:, 0] *= myHipLogProb.plx0_err p0[:, 0] += myHipLogProb.plx0 # PM p0[:, 1] *= myHipLogProb.pm_ra0 p0[:, 1] += myHipLogProb.pm_ra0_err p0[:, 2] *= myHipLogProb.pm_dec0 p0[:, 2] += myHipLogProb.pm_dec0_err # set up an MCMC sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, log_prob) print("Starting burn-in!") state = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, burn_steps) sampler.reset() print("Starting production chain!") sampler.run_mcmc(state, mcmc_steps) if saveplot is not None: _, axes = plt.subplots(len(param_idx.keys()), figsize=(5, 12)) # plx xs = np.linspace( myHipLogProb.plx0 - 3 * myHipLogProb.plx0_err, myHipLogProb.plx0 + 3 * myHipLogProb.plx0_err, 1000, ) axes[0].hist(sampler.flatchain[:, 0], bins=50, density=True, color="r") axes[0].plot( xs, norm(myHipLogProb.plx0, myHipLogProb.plx0_err).pdf(xs), color="k" ) axes[0].set_xlabel("plx [mas]") # PM RA xs = np.linspace( myHipLogProb.pm_ra0 - 3 * myHipLogProb.pm_ra0_err, myHipLogProb.pm_ra0 + 3 * myHipLogProb.pm_ra0_err, 1000, ) axes[1].hist(sampler.flatchain[:, 1], bins=50, density=True, color="r") axes[1].plot( xs, norm(myHipLogProb.pm_ra0, myHipLogProb.pm_ra0_err).pdf(xs), color="k" ) axes[1].set_xlabel("PM RA [mas/yr]") # PM Dec xs = np.linspace( myHipLogProb.pm_dec0 - 3 * myHipLogProb.pm_dec0_err, myHipLogProb.pm_dec0 + 3 * myHipLogProb.pm_dec0_err, 1000, ) axes[2].hist(sampler.flatchain[:, 2], bins=50, density=True, color="r") axes[2].plot( xs, norm(myHipLogProb.pm_dec0, myHipLogProb.pm_dec0_err).pdf(xs), color="k" ) axes[2].set_xlabel("PM Dec [mas/yr]") # RA offset axes[3].hist(sampler.flatchain[:, 3], bins=50, density=True, color="r") xs = np.linspace( -3 * myHipLogProb.alpha0_err, 3 * myHipLogProb.alpha0_err, 1000 ) axes[3].plot(xs, norm(0, myHipLogProb.alpha0_err).pdf(xs), color="k") axes[3].set_xlabel("RA Offset [mas]") # Dec offset xs = np.linspace( -3 * myHipLogProb.delta0_err, 3 * myHipLogProb.delta0_err, 1000 ) axes[4].hist(sampler.flatchain[:, 4], bins=50, density=True, color="r") axes[4].plot(xs, norm(0, myHipLogProb.delta0_err).pdf(xs), color="k") axes[4].set_xlabel("Dec Offset [mas]") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(saveplot, dpi=250) return sampler.flatchain, myHipLogProb